=SNX 2.00 JCT 25:036:00000 ALL 76:121:00000 00:000:00000 L 00000 2 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +FILE/REFERENCE VERSION 250205 RELEASE DATE 2025/02/05 DESCRIPTION range, time & pressure biases to be applied to SLR tracking data and periods to be excluded from data analysis. INPUT Corrections to SLR tracking data collected from various tables at CDDIS, resolutions from the ILRS/ASC (AWG), the T2L2 @ Jason-2 project (July 2008 to December 2017), the final results of the ILRS Station Systematic Error Monitoring--SSEM project amended with results from the 2024 extended version SSEM-X. *##############################################################################* *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT ILRS SINEX file with data handling recommendations ACCESS https://edc.dgfi.tum.de/en/ilrs-ac/ https://cddis.nasa.gov/archive/slr/products/resource/ ILRS_Data_Handling_File_2025.02.05.snx CONTACT Antonio Basoni CONTACT Erricos Pavlis CONTACT Christian Schwatke -FILE/REFERENCE *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +FILE/COMMENT *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Data Handling File release is compatible with the currently adopted TARGET_SIGNATURE_GEOMETRY correction model for LAGEOS, Etalon, LARES, Starlette, and Ajisai, released by Jose Rodriguez 2022.09.15, which is now mandatory for all ILRS/ASC product versions Up until we update the ASC Resources web pages on the ILRS website, you can gain access of the required s/w and satellite-specific correction tables from: http://geodesy.jcet.umbc.edu/ILRS_ASC_RESOURCES/CoG_2022.09.15/ ******************************************************************************** *=============================================================================== IMPORTANT: Use of ILRS DHF Model on s/c other than LAGEOS-1/2 and Etalon-1/2 *=============================================================================== If an ITRF2020/SLRF2020 user performs POD on any satellites other than for LAGEOS 1/2 and Etalon 1/2 for which we have specific Model Bias values, a station-specific range bias must be pre-applied, calculated as the mean of the two biases for the LAGEOS and LAGEOS-2 satellites. This will act as a proxy of station-specific errors, since for the two LAGEOS s/c all other unaccounted errors are believed to be less than ±2 mm (J. Rodriguez et al., 2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-019-01315-0. This bias should be used only as an a priori value since additional satellite- specific errors might still be present in the SLR observations (e.g. CoM model errors, LRA offset/orientation errors, etc.). It is important to allow this bias to be adjusted on the basis of the actual data. The level of looseness of the constraints on the a priori value is to be decided by the user, who presumably is more informed on the quality of the applied POD model for the specific s/c and adopted CoM model, etc. This "recipe" applies ONLY for the "MODEL/RANGE_BIAS" values, timing and other biases should be applied as stated in the DHF. ******************************************************************************** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To limit the number of updates to the DHF we have included in this release records that refer to a number of stations that do not exist at present, have not yet initiated tracking or it has been announced that they will soon start operations. Some of the information on these systems is preliminary (e.g. the start and end date associated with the estimation of biases. Once the systems become operational, these can be adjusted appropriately, while the approximate dates used are sufficient to cover all posibilities. These sites are: * 7395 -- --- A 17:223:00000 00:000:00000 E Geochang GEOL * 7807 -- --- A 23:060:00000 00:000:00000 E Metsahovi3 METNSLR * 7816 -- --- A 22:032:00000 00:000:00000 E Stuttgart2 SMILAS * 7817 -- --- A 23:060:00000 00:000:00000 E Yebes YLARA * 7865 -- --- A 20:072:00000 00:000:00000 E NRL OTF STAL *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Last Updated: Feb. 05 2025 update with range bias data through the end of 2024 Feb. 13 2024 update with range bias data through the end of 2023 June 21 2023 DHF public release compatible with the SLRF2020/ITRF2020 version Mar. 28 2023 FIRST update of compatible with SLRF2020/ITRF2020 version Mar. 14 2023 New release compatible with SLRF2020/ITRF2020 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 16 2021 Removed DUPLICATE barometer correction entries for 7080 (1995-96) re-introduced Simosato data delete (X) 18:291:00000 20:171:00000 Mar. 02 2021 Corrected contradicting statements on the version of the CoG model to be used with this release of the DHF. Jan. 11 2021 Streamlined and reformatted version according to SINEX rules with the new model for long-term mean biases that resulted from the ILRS SSEM project included FIRST in its own Block: MODEL/RANGE_BIAS Jun. 16 2020 Corrected misplaced comments' location (abbreviations' legend) May 28 2020 Replaced all occurrences of 00:000:00000 with 00:000:00000 and corrected the 7080 end date to 20:001:00000 May 22 2020 Reformatted the file to 80-cols., and enforced new BLOCK HEADERs consistent with the agreed structure of the 3 new SINEX BLOCKS. Apr. 27 2020 Added Van Husson updates for NASA systems (191219 version) Sep. 25 2019 Added hist. HARL (7501) Tb/Rb and edits, and new Wuhan2 (7396) Jul. 22 2019 Addition of GGAO SLR (MOB7 7105) barometric pressure corrections May 29 2019 New release with EGU2019 ASC recommended optional sections May 10 2019 Included future South Korean station Geochang (7395) May 04 2018 Included two POINT B missing entries for 7810 & 7824 Mar. 07 2018 New release with the T2L2 (edited) set of TB included Jun. 06 2017 Yarragadee (7090) release 0 incorrect Met data day 17:152 May 11 2017 Station Kunming2 (7819) new station replaces 7820 (Kunming) Apr. 20 2017 Station Changchun (7237) time bias of 1 ms on Feb. 16 and 17 2017 Jul. 19 2016 Station 7394 (Sejong) new station, replaces 7359 (Daedok) May 12 2016 Station 7080 (MLRS) solve for range bias due to new configuration Nov. 18 2015 Edited 7105 data 2015.11.09 00:00 UTC - 2015.11.17 18:00 UTC Sep. 30 2015 New systems @ Irkutsk(1891), Brazilia(7407), Wettzell SOSW(7827) Jul. 09 2015 Zimmerwald (7810) data not valid July 3 2015 to July 6 2015 8h Jul. 06 2015 San Fernando (7824) invalid data 2015: June 17 21h - June 18 4h Sep. 09 2014 Changed end date of Graz (7839) range bias to 1996/09/28 Jul. 16 2014 Remove of quarantine entries in the file (info is at the DCs) May. 06 2014 Mt. Stromlo quarantine Apr. 29 2014 Deletion of double lines Apr. 04 2014 Updated biases 7080 in 1990 Mar. 26 2014 Updated biases for ITRF2013 processing Mar. 18 2014 Update from CDDIS free format data corrections, new flag Feb. 19 2014 Change of Flag for stations with preliminary coordinates to V Feb. 05 2014 Incorrect weather data at Haleakala (7119) data to be deleted Feb. 04 2014 Solve for range biases for Kunming Jan. 30 2014 Kunming released from quarantine Jan. 27 2014 Wettzell back from quarantine, solving for a Rb is necessary Oct. 29 2013 McDonald back to normal operation, without Tb Oct. 22 2013 New station Deadok, in quarantine Oct. 01 2013 Added information on new CoM tables Jun. 18 2013 Haleakala (7119) data released from quarantine Apr. 22 2013 Kunming (7820) in quarantine, more than 90 days without data Apr. 19 2013 Haleakala (7119) in quarantine due to telescope removal Mar. 08 2013 Simeiz (1873) big range bias Feb. 21 2013 Zimmerwald (7810) back to standard processing Feb. 18 2013 Zimmerwald (7810) in quarantine due to longer break Jan. 08 2013 Russian stations, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890 no longer in quarantine Nov. 12 2012 San Juan (7406) back to normal Oct. 24 2012 San Juan (7406) with big range biases since Oct. 13 2012 Sep. 07 2012 Riga (1884) and Simeiz data released from quarantine Aug. 07 2012 Riga (1884) CRD data put into quarantine Aug. 05 2012 Monument Peak (7110) big time bias Jun. 15 2012 Tahiti (7124) data released from quarantine Jun. 05 2012 Russian stations, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890 are in quarantine May. 23 2012 Handling of Beijing data (7249), Rb estimation starting 12/03/07 May. 16 2012 Reference to ILRS station upgrades file May. 15 2012 Tahiti (7124) in quarantine (12/05/14), due to receiver upgrade Apr. 12 2012 Arequipa (7403) & Monument Peak (7110) data out of quarantine Mar. 14 2012 MOBLAS 4, Monument Peak, (7110) big Rb starting: 12/02/23 Feb. 06 2012 Delete Observations for Haleakala (7119) 12/01/30-12/01/31 Oct. 06 2011 Range bias estimation for 7821 (Shanghai) 11/05/28-10/09/03 Sep. 30 2011 Problem with Matera 7941 Sep.24 18:00 - Sep.25 8:00 2011 Sep. 21 2011 Exclude Simeiz data starting July 2011, increasing Tb Nov. 18 2010 mandatory Bias correction for Wettzell (starting March 2009) Nov. 12 2010 Bias correction for Arequipa (7403) added Sep. 15 2010 -20cm range bias for Haleakala July and August 2010 Aug. 12 2010 100 ms time bias for MLRO from DOY 221 to 223 2010 included Apr. 23 2010 corrections of errors detected by F. Deleflie Apr. 15 2010 all corrections from Van`s tables at CDDIS added *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For informations on recent station upgrades and data in quarantine refer to: http://edc.dgfi.tum.de/en/stations/ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file sets up a SLR data handling file for the official ILRS normal points provided by CDDIS (ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/slr/data/npt_crd/) and EDC (ftp://edc.dgfi.tum.de/pub/slr/data/npt_crd/) and contains information on pressure, humidity, range (Rb) and time biases (Tb) for SLR stations, as well as information on data to be deleted. A new section is now added (March 2019) that contains timing biases for the entire network and for the period 2008-2018, estimated from data taken by the T2L2 system on Jason-2. Tb and their rates are given in µs and µs/d !!! For the year 1999 a set of single observations to be deleted in analysis step source CDDIS (ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/slr/data/slr_data_corrections.snx) The contents of this file is a recommendation accepted by the ILRS Analysis Standing Committee in Sep. 2007 with updates since then. For stations in quarantine, data should NOT be available on the public directories at the data centers. Stations marked with N, are unreliable and should be handled carefully, as unexpected range or time errors may occur. LEGEND FOR SOLUTION/DATA_HANDLING --------------------------------- "M" Models codes: X = Exclude/delete data C = Target signature bias, correction different from standard E = Estimation of range bias, known a priori values are given H = humidity error (correction in %) N = unreliable station, should not be used in routine processing P = pressure bias (correction in mB) Q = Station with data in quarantine, not to be used in official products R = Range bias to be applied, no estimation of bias S = Stanford event counter bias T = Time bias in ms or µs & µs/d (T2L2) to be applied, NOT estimated U = Estimation of time bias in ms V = Station with not validated coordinates, not solving for biases estimated values (when provided) to be subtracted from the 1-way observations ########## *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND FOR ABBREVIATED COMMENT CODES IN SOLUTION/DATA_HANDLING *-------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation of abbreviations found under "CMNTS" column: Rb = Range Bias Tb = Time Bias drift = Flag for T2L2 Tb records, that indicates the existence of Tb-rate nnn = Indicates wavelength affected by this error for multi-color systems BRE = Barometer Reading Error CCD = Cesium Clock Drift EQK = Earthquake ERB = Engineering Range Bias ETO = ET Unit Offset FBE = Frequency Bias Error FPR = Frozen Pressure Reading HER = Humidity Error Reading HRV = High RMS Value ITB = Increasing Time Bias NSP = New Station Position NTU = New TIU SCD = Station Clock Drift SRB = Small Remaining Bias SUB = System Upgrade-related Biases TCP = Time Counter Problems TDP = Timing Data Problems TUF = Time Interval Unit (TIU) Failure UDP = Uncorrectable Data Problems URB = Uncorrectable Range Bias or Unknown Range Bias VLB = Very Large Biases WMD = Wrong Met Data WPR = Wrong Pressure Reading *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Biases of SLR station clocks, relative to UTC, have been estimated from T2L2 measurements during the Jason-2 mission: July 2008 to December 2017. The method is using a time transfer from a master station (Grasse 7845) where clock behavior is continuously compared to GPS time (then to UTC) to each of the other SLR stations. Grasse has been time calibrated resulting in an accuracy of 0.1-0.2 ns of the time of measurements. Pierre.Exertier@oca.eu & Alexandre.Belli@geoazur.unice.fr September, 1 2017 Release 1.0 February, 1 2019 Release 2.0 Units: Tb is in µs (us) and drift in µs/day Resolution: by considering the time variations of each Tb due to the clock drift, we considered only variations greater than 0.1 µs to be reported. Period Covered: 2008-2018 ONLY !!! Record Format Explanation and Example: * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +MODEL/TIME_BIAS *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT 1824 -- 501 A 02:084:68460 12:085:00000 T -24.400 5.000 0.0000 us 1873 -- 501 A 07:059:00000 09:110:00000 T -21.750 50.000 -0.2600 us -MODEL/TIME_BIAS CODE site ID# (e.g. 1824), PT "--" (to apply it to all targets), SOLN denotes laser wavelength "501" to discriminate multi-wavelength system sites, T set to "A", START_DATE (YY:DDD:SSSSS), END_DATE (YY:DDD:SSSSS), M set to "T", then real values for Tb "E-VALUE", Std. Dev. Tb "STD_DEV" and drift "E-RATE", (drift, i.e. "E-RATE", equals zero if nonexistent), and UNIT "us". Correct time = time of SLR NP (t) - ( E-VALUE + (t - t_midInterval)*E-RATE ) where: t_midInterval = 1/2 *( MJD_{END_DATE} + MJD_{START_DATE} ) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T2L2 Results Availability Period by Station: CDP# Period Comment 1824 2008-07 2016-12 1831 2008-07 2009-12 1873 2009-01 2017-12 1874 2016-01 2017-04 1879 2016-01 2016-12 1868 2016-01 2016-12 1884 2016-01 2017-06 1886 2016-01 2016-12 1888 2016-01 2016-12 1889 2016-01 2017-12 1890 2016-01 2017-12 1891 2016-01 2017-04 1893 2008-07 2017-06 * 7080 2008-07 2017-12 7090 2008-07 2017-12 7105 2008-07 2017-12 7110 2008-07 2017-12 7119 2010-09 2017-12 7124 2008-07 2017-12 7403 2008-07 2017-12 7406 2012-02 2016-12 7407 2016-01 2016-12 7501 2008-07 2017-12 * 7237 2008-07 2017-12 7308 2009-06 2016-12 7358 2010-11 2011-04 7394 2016-01 2017-04 * 7810 2008-07 2017-12 7811 2008-07 2017-12 * 7821 2008-07 2016-12 7822 2011-05 2011-10 7824 2008-07 2016-01 7825 2008-07 2017-12 7832 2008-08 2011-11 7838 2009-05 2017-12 * 7840 2008-07 2017-12 7841 2008-07 2017-12 7845 2008-07 2017-12 7848 2008-07 2008-12 7941 2008-08 2017-12 8834 2008-07 2017-12 * -FILE/COMMENT *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +INPUT/ACKNOWLEDGMENTS *AGY ______________FULL_DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________ ASI CGS Matera, Italy (Cinzia Luceri & Antonio Basoni) SGP NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA (Van Husson) JCT Joint Center for Earth System Technology (JCET), UMBC, Baltimore, MD, USA DGF Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), Munich, Germany GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany OCA Observatoire de la Cote d`Azur, Grasse, France + Several individuals. -INPUT/ACKNOWLEDGMENTS * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LIST UPDATED FROM THE LATEST ECCENTRICITY FILE: slrecc.230314.ILRS.xyz.snx *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +SITE/ID *Code PT __Domes__ T _Station Description__ _Longitude_ _Latitude__ _Height 1148 A --- L Ondrejov OND. FIXED 14 47 08.1 49 54 49.3 592.6 1181 A 14106S001 L Potsdam GDR FIXED 13 3 55.0 52 22 48.9 148.5 1824 A 12356S001 L Kiev KIEV FIXED 30 29 45.1 50 21 47.2 213.1 1831 A 12368S001 L Lviv LVIV 23 57 15.8 49 55 3.2 359.8 1863 A 12340S001 L Maidanak MDN. FIXED 66 56 35.3 38 41 8.6 2712.0 1864 A 12340S002 L Maidanak MDN2 FIXED 66 56 35.1 38 41 5.6 2714.2 1866 A 12347S001 L Dunaovcy DUN. FIXED 26 43 6.3 48 50 53.6 397.2 1867 A 12344S001 L Evpatoria EVP. FIXED 33 9 50.5 45 13 11.0 47.7 1868 A 12341S001 L Komsomolsk KOM. FIXED 136 44 37.7 50 41 40.6 270.1 1869 A 12343S001 L Balkhash BAL. FIXED 73 36 2.2 45 53 58.6 321.4 1870 A 12309S001 L Mendeleevo MENLAS 37 13 24.4 56 1 39.3 257.3 1871 A 12357S001 L Sarapul SARLAS 56 28 45.2 53 47 15.0 141.8 1873 A 12337S003 L Simeiz SIM. FIXED 33 59 27.4 44 24 47.4 365.3 1874 A 12309S003 L Mendeleev2 MDVS 37 13 24.4 56 1 39.3 257.3 1879 A 12372S001 L Altay ALTL 82 10 38.3 51 20 38.0 270.0 1884 A 12302S002 L Riga RIGA FIXED 24 3 31.0 56 56 55.3 31.7 1885 A 12302S006 L Riga RIGA 24 3 31.1 56 56 55.4 31.5 1886 A 12373S001 L Arkhyz 41 25 53.3 43 38 59.4 2078.2 1887 A 25603S001 L Baikonur BAIL 63 20 31.9 45 42 16.9 98.3 1888 A 12350S002 L Svetloe QUASAR 29 47 00.0 60 32 00.0 100.0 1889 A 12351S002 L Zelenchuks QUASAR 41 34 00.0 43 47 00.0 1000.0 1890 A 12338S004 L Badary QUASAR 102 14 7.3 51 46 12.1 100.0 1891 A 12313S007 L Irkutsk IRKL FIXED 104 18 59.0 52 13 8.8 505.6 1893 A 12337S006 L Katzively CRIMEA FIX 33 58 12.4 44 23 35.4 68.7 1953 A 40701S001 L Santiago D CUBA FIXED 284 14 16.0 20 0 43.0 18.3 7035 A 40436M003 L Otay Mount TLRS-3 243 9 32.9 34 22 55.2 2200.0 7040 A 49901S001 L Wrightwood OCTL 248 34 45.4 41 56 0.7 1963.9 7046 A 40438M002 L Bear Lake TLRS-4 248 34 45.4 41 56 0.7 1963.9 7051 A 40433M001 L Quincy MOBLAS-1 239 3 37.6 39 58 24.5 1060.7 7061 A 41703M001 L Easter Isl TLRS-2 250 36 59.1 -27 -8-52.1 116.8 7062 A 40436M002 L Otay Mount MOBLAS-2 243 9 32.8 32 36 2.6 989.0 7063 A 40451M112 L Greenbelt GSFC FIXED 283 10 19.9 39 1 13.3 19.9 7064 A 40451M107 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-1 283 10 19.1 39 1 14.9 18.7 7065 A 40451M108 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-2 283 10 19.1 39 1 14.4 18.6 7066 A --- L Wallops Is WAL. FIXED 284 29 25.2 37 51 36.5 5.8 7067 A 42501M001 L Bermuda MOBLAS-1 295 20 37.6 32 21 12.8 -20.5 7068 A 43602M002 L Grand Turk MOBLAS-2 288 52 5.1 21 27 37.7 -17.6 7069 A 40417M002 L Patrick PAFB FIXED 279 23 39.4 28 13 40.6 -23.0 7070 A --- L Wallops Is MOBLAS-2 284 29 23.4 37 51 35.9 5.6 7080 A 40442M006 L Mcdonald MLRS 255 59 5.2 30 40 48.9 2004.9 7081 A 40417M001 L Patrick MOBLAS-2 279 23 36.5 28 13 39.7 1.8 7082 A 40438M001 L Bear Lake MOBLAS-1 248 34 45.6 41 56 0.8 1963.7 7083 A 40451M122 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-3 283 10 19.1 39 1 14.0 18.6 7084 A 40439M003 L Owens Vall MOBLAS-2 241 42 15.2 37 13 55.6 1178.7 7085 A 40405M001 L Goldstone MOBLAS-1 243 6 49.0 35 25 27.9 966.7 7086 A 40442M001 L Mcdonald MOBLAS-1 255 59 2.6 30 40 37.3 1962.1 7090 A 50107M001 L Yarragadee MOBLAS-5 115 20 48.2 -29 -2-47.3 242.0 7091 A 40440M001 L Westford MOBLAS-3 288 30 44.4 42 37 21.7 92.8 7092 A 50505M001 L Kwajalein MOBLAS-8 167 28 32.5 9 23 37.6 31.3 7096 A 50503M001 L American N-MOBLAS-6 189 16 30.4 -14-20 -7.4 45.5 7097 A 41703M002 L Easter Isl TLRS-2 250 36 59.1 -27 -8-52.1 118.2 7100 A 40451M106 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-3 283 10 47.7 39 1 15.4 10.8 7101 A 40451M101 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-6 283 10 43.0 39 1 16.2 8.1 7102 A 40451M102 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-3 283 10 18.9 39 1 14.4 19.1 7103 A 40451M103 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-6 283 10 18.9 39 1 14.6 18.1 7104 A 40451M104 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-7 283 10 36.9 39 1 17.0 11.9 7105 A 40451M105 L Greenbelt TLRS-2 283 10 20.3 39 1 14.1 19.8 7106 A 40451M113 L Greenbelt 48-INCH 283 10 17.7 39 1 17.3 20.0 7109 A 40433M002 L Quincy MOBLAS-8 239 3 19.0 39 58 30.0 1107.0 7110 A 40497M001 L Monument P MOBLAS-3 243 34 38.3 32 53 30.2 1839.7 7111 A 40420M001 L Vandenberg TLRS-1 239 29 58.0 34 33 58.4 601.6 7112 A 40496M001 L Plattevill MOBLAS-2 255 16 26.4 40 10 58.0 1502.2 7114 A 40439M001 L Owens Vall MOBLAS-2 241 42 22.3 37 13 57.2 1178.6 7115 A 40405M002 L Goldstone MOBLAS-3 243 12 29.1 35 14 53.9 1037.6 7119 A 40445M004 L Haleakala TLRS-4 203 44 35.2 20 42 27.4 3068.5 7120 A 40445M002 L Haleakala MOBLAS-1 203 44 38.2 20 42 27.4 3069.6 7121 A 92202M002 L Huahine MOBLAS-1 208 57 31.9 -16-44 -0.6 44.3 7122 A 40504M001 L Mazatlan MOBLAS-6 253 32 27.3 23 20 34.2 31.6 7123 A 92202M004 L Huahine TLRS-2 208 57 31.9 -16-44 -0.6 46.1 7124 A 92201M007 L Papeete MOBLAS-8 210 23 37.6 -17-34-36.5 95.1 7125 A 40451M114 L Greenbelt TLRS-3 283 10 21.2 39 1 12.9 19.0 7126 A --- L Greenbelt MLRO 283 10 21.1 39 1 12.9 19.2 7127 A --- L Greenbelt GUTS 283 10 21.1 39 1 12.9 19.2 7130 A 40451M116 L Greenbelt TLRS-2 283 10 21.1 39 1 15.2 19.6 7206 A 40442S002 L Mcdonald 2.7 METER 255 58 40.8 30 40 18.3 2059.0 7210 A 40445M001 L Haleakala HALEAKALA 203 44 38.7 20 42 25.9 3068.2 7220 A 40497M002 L Monument P TLRS-1 243 34 37.7 32 53 30.2 1840.9 7231 A 21602S004 L Wuhan WUHAN 114 29 22.8 30 30 56.4 87.1 7236 A 21602S003 L Wuhan WUH. FIXED 114 20 46.5 30 32 30.4 39.4 7237 A 21611S001 L Changchun CHALAS 125 26 36.4 43 47 25.8 274.9 7249 A 21601S004 L Beijing BEIJ FIXED 115 53 31.3 39 36 24.9 82.3 7261 A 40491M003 L Flagstaff TLRS-1 248 21 55.7 35 12 52.3 2144.9 7265 A 40405M006 L Mojave TLRS-1 243 6 31.3 35 19 52.3 896.7 7274 A 40497M003 L Monument P TLRS-1 243 34 37.8 32 53 30.3 1839.4 7288 A 40405M013 L Mojave TLRS-3 243 6 30.5 35 19 52.4 896.8 7295 A 40499M002 L Richmond TLRS-1 279 36 57.1 25 36 48.0 -22.0 7300 A 21733S001 L Minami Tor HTLRS-1 153 59 3.1 24 17 40.8 35.9 7301 A 21709S001 L Okinawa (J HTLRS-1 127 42 56.9 26 7 54.7 126.5 7302 A 21735S001 L Tsushima HTLRS-1 129 17 37.0 34 11 47.4 33.9 7303 A --- L Oki Gunto HTLRS-1 133 19 9.7 36 10 48.3 122.5 7304 A --- L Minami Dai HTLRS-1 131 13 47.4 25 49 45.1 50.8 7305 A --- L Iwo Jima HTLRS-1 141 18 20.2 24 46 18.3 135.7 7306 A 21797S001 L Tsukuba_SC TKBLAS 140 07 52.6 36 04 3.1 68.2 7307 A 21736S001 L Isigaki Sh HTLRS-1 124 12 51.4 24 22 9.1 100.8 7308 A 21704S002 L Koganei CRLLAS 139 29 20.8 35 42 36.3 123.1 7309 A --- L Hachijo Ji HTLRS-1 139 49 22.1 33 4 22.7 264.1 7313 A --- L Hiroo HTLRS-1 143 19 42.4 42 19 4.1 46.1 7320 A --- L Wakkanai HTLRS-1 141 43 47.8 45 23 9.5 91.6 7321 A --- L Oga HTLRS-1 139 42 6.2 40 0 16.7 69.4 7322 A --- L Tyosi HTLRS-1 140 51 12.4 35 42 17.8 90.1 7323 A --- L Makura Sak HTLRS-1 130 17 35.4 31 16 19.2 62.7 7328 A 21704M001 L Koganei KOGLAS 139 29 16.6 35 42 36.6 115.1 7335 A 21701M002 L Kashima KASH. FIXD 140 39 27.3 35 57 22.2 66.4 7337 A 21739M001 L Miura MIULAS 139 39 1.4 35 12 24.2 99.1 7339 A 21740M001 L Tateyama TATLAS 139 50 53.3 34 56 12.9 120.3 7341 A --- L Bisei HTLRS-1 133 34 15.1 34 40 47.0 549.4 7343 A 21601M002 L Beijing TROS 115 53 31.3 39 36 24.9 82.4 7355 A 21612M002 L Urumqi TROS 87 42 19.3 43 48 49.0 846.1 7356 A 21613M003 L Lhasa TROS 91 2 15.5 29 38 5.4 3601.5 7357 A 21601S005 L Beijing BEIJING-A 115 53 33.6 39 36 27.8 72.7 7358 A 21749S001 L Tanegashim GUTS 131 0 55.5 30 33 30.4 140.7 7359 A 23902S002 L Daedeok DAEK 127 22 28.9 36 23 56.5 116.6 7370 A 50186M001 L BurnieTS FTLRS 145 52 53.0 -41 -3-44.0 129.6 7394 A 23907S002 L Sejong SEJL 127 18 10.5 36 31 15.6 176.4 7395 A 23910S001 L Geochang GEOL 127 55 12.4 35 35 24.7 934.1 7396 A 21602S008 L Wuhan2 JFNL FIXED 114 29 24.7 30 30 59.5 77.4 7400 A 41705M001 L Santiago TLRS-1 289 19 52.9 -33 -8-58.6 723.4 7401 A 41706M001 L Cerro Tolo TLRS-1 289 11 59.8 -30-10-20.8 2155.9 7403 A 42202M003 L Arequipa TLRS-3 288 30 25.3 -16-27-56.5 2489.5 7404 A 41705M004 L Santiago TLRS-2 289 19 53.5 -33 -8-58.6 724.5 7405 A 41719M001 L Concepcion TIGO 286 58 28.8 -36-50-34.8 170.0 7406 A 41508S003 L San Juan BEIJING-A 291 22 36.6 -31-30-31.0 727.2 7407 A 48081S001 L Brazilia BRAL 312 08 04.9 -15 46 23.0 1028.8 7410 A 40104M003 L Algonquin TLRS-4 281 55 46.9 45 57 20.1 195.9 7411 A 40132M001 L La Grande TLRS-4 281 25 43.4 53 41 53.6 20.2 7501 A 30302M003 L Hartebeest MTLRS-1 27 41 10.2 -25-53-22.9 1407.5 7502 A 30314M001 L Sutherland MTLRS-1 20 48 8.9 -32-22-45.0 1730.0 7503 A 30301S010 L HartRTL HRTL 27 41 10.0 -25-53-21.1 1414.0 7505 A 11101M001 L Sofia MTLRS-1 23 23 41.0 42 33 20.4 1113.9 7510 A 12612M001 L Askites MTLRS-1 25 33 58.4 40 55 40.8 183.2 7512 A 12615M001 L Katavia MTLRS-1 27 46 50.8 35 57 5.4 74.6 7515 A 12602M002 L Dionysos MTLRS-1 23 55 56.8 38 4 42.9 511.2 7517 A 12613M001 L Roumelli TLRS-1 24 41 39.0 35 24 15.2 103.3 7520 A 12614M001 L Karitsa MTLRS-1 20 39 53.4 39 44 3.3 599.3 7525 A 12616M001 L Xrisokelar TLRS-1 21 52 39.4 36 47 29.2 476.8 7530 A 20702M001 L Bar Giyyor MOBLAS-2 35 5 18.7 31 43 20.6 773.7 7540 A 12734M005 L Matera MTLRS-1 16 42 16.1 40 38 54.7 529.3 7541 A 12734M004 L Matera TLRS-1 16 42 15.4 40 38 54.7 529.0 7542 A 12749M001 L Monte Vend MTLRS-2 11 41 34.9 45 19 18.6 524.0 7543 A 12717M001 L Noto TLRS-1 14 59 18.2 36 52 35.7 126.4 7544 A 12706M001 L Lampedusa MTLRS-1 12 34 2.8 35 31 3.9 112.6 7545 A 12725M002 L Punta Sa M TLRS-1 8 58 22.7 39 8 7.7 230.7 7546 A 12711M002 L Medicina TLRS-1 11 38 47.3 44 31 12.1 50.1 7548 A 12725S013 L Cagliari CAGLAS 8 58 19.3 39 8 11.9 252.8 7550 A 12718M002 L Basovizza MTLRS-2 13 52 32.0 45 38 34.6 447.9 7560 A 12302M001 L Riga MTLRS-1 24 3 30.9 56 56 54.4 30.0 7561 A 12337M001 L Simeiz MTLRS-1 33 59 29.7 44 24 55.2 387.1 7575 A 20801M001 L Diyarbakir MTLRS-1 40 11 41.6 37 55 12.8 725.5 7580 A 20803M001 L Melengicli TLRS-1 33 11 28.5 37 22 39.5 1358.3 7585 A 20802M001 L Yozgat MTLRS-1 34 48 46.8 39 48 1.9 1677.6 7587 A 20804M001 L Yigilca TLRS-1 31 26 19.6 40 56 13.1 823.3 7589 A 20805M001 L Ankara TLRS-1 32 45 30.8 39 53 15.0 974.5 7590 A 14005M002 L Monte Gene MTLRS-2 9 01 04.3 45 55 39.5 1663.4 7594 A 14201M200 L Wettzell TIGO 12 52 38.0 49 8 39.4 659.3 7596 A 14201M004 L Wettzell MTLRS-1 12 52 43.2 49 8 38.9 659.4 7597 A 14201M005 L Wettzell MTLRS-1 12 52 42.5 49 8 38.3 660.9 7599 A 14201M007 L Wettzell MTLRS-1 12 52 39.9 49 8 42.5 657.8 7602 A 10302M002 L Tromso MTLRS-2 18 56 21.9 69 39 46.7 133.7 7604 A 10004M002 L Brest FTLRS 355 29 46.2 48 24 28.2 104.8 7701 A 31336S001 L Izana IZ1L 343 29 21.8 28 17 58.6 2429.7 7801 A 30101S001 L Helwan EGY1 FIXED 31 20 33.7 29 51 32.4 132.5 7805 A 10503S001 L Metsahovi FIN. FIXED 24 23 40.3 60 13 2.3 79.0 7806 A 10503S014 L Metsahovi METLAS 24 23 40.3 60 13 1.7 74.7 7807 A 10503S018 L Metsahovi3 METNSLR 24 23 40.3 60 13 1.7 74.7 7810 A 14001S001 L Zimmerwald SWI. FIXED 7 27 54.7 46 52 38.0 951.7 7810 B 14001S007 L Zimmerwald SWI2 FIXED 7 27 54.7 46 52 38.0 951.7 7811 A 12205S001 L Borowiec POL. FIXED 17 4 28.5 52 16 37.1 123.3 7816 A 10916S001 L Stuttgart2 SMILAS 9 06 09.4 48 44 56.0 533.2 7817 A 13420S021 L Yebes YLARA 356 54 34.2 40 31 28.2 915.0 7819 A 21609S004 L Kunming2 KUNMING2 102 47 50.7 25 1 47.8 1993.6 7820 A 21609S002 L Kunming KUNMING 102 47 50.7 25 1 47.8 1993.6 7821 A 21605S010 L Shanghai SO FIXED 121 11 11.8 31 5 45.9 100.9 7822 A 92201M017 L Punaaia FTLRS 210 23 37.6 -17-34-36.5 95.1 7823 A 13402M005 L San Fernan FTLRS 353 47 40.8 36 27 54.9 98.6 7824 A 13402S004 L San Fernan SPN. FIXED 353 47 40.8 36 27 54.9 98.6 7824 B 13402S007 L San Fernan SPN. FIXED 353 47 40.8 36 27 54.9 98.6 7825 A 50119S003 L Mount Stro STR2 FIXED 149 0 35.5 -35-18-58.1 805.6 7826 A 50119S007 L Mount Stro STR3 FIXED 149 0 35.5 -35-18-58.1 805.6 7827 A 14201S045 L Wettzell SOSW 12 52 41.2 49 8 41.8 663.2 7829 A 10002S017 L Grasse FTLRS 6 55 14.9 43 45 16.8 1319.4 7830 A 12617M002 L Chania FTLRS 24 4 13.9 35 31 58.9 160.9 7831 A 30101S001 L Helwan EGY. FIXED 31 20 33.7 29 51 32.4 132.5 7832 A 20101S001 L Riyadh SALRO 46 24 1.3 24 54 37.9 760.8 7833 A 13504S001 L Kootwijk NL. FIXED 5 48 35.3 52 10 42.2 94.5 7834 A 14201S002 L Wettzell GER. FIXED 12 52 41.1 49 8 41.7 661.8 7835 A 10002S001 L Grasse FRA. FIXED 6 55 16.0 43 45 16.8 1323.5 7836 A 14106S009 L Potsdam GFZLAS 13 3 53.6 52 22 48.0 134.2 7837 A 21605S001 L Shanghai SO FIXED 121 11 30.2 31 5 51.1 28.5 7838 A 21726S001 L Simosato SHO FIXED 135 56 13.3 33 34 39.6 102.3 7839 A 11001S002 L Graz GRAZ FIXED 15 29 36.0 47 4 1.6 540.1 7840 A 13212S001 L Herstmonce RGO FIXED 0 20 10.0 50 52 2.5 76.1 7841 A 14106S011 L Potsdam GFZLAS3 13 3 41.1 52 22 58.8 127.9 7843 A 50103S007 L Orroral NLRS 148 56 21.5 -35-38-10.5 1350.6 7844 A 21732S002 L Chichi Jim HTLRS-1 142 11 52.4 27 5 54.0 53.0 7845 A 10002S002 L Grasse GRASLLR 6 55 17.6 43 45 16.6 1324.0 7846 A 10002M004 L Grasse FTLRS 6 55 14.9 43 45 16.8 1319.4 7847 A 50107S009 L Yarragadee PSLR 115 20 48.5 -29 -2-46.6 243.1 7848 A 10077M002 L Ajaccio FTLRS 8 45 45.6 41 55 38.5 97.5 7849 A 50119S001 L Mount Stro STR. FIXED 149 0 35.5 -35-18-58.1 804.7 7850 A 40442M008 L Mcdonald TLRS-4 255 59 5.6 30 40 49.7 2004.9 7853 A 40439M004 L Owens Vall MTLRS-1 241 42 22.3 37 13 57.3 1178.7 7865 A 49654M001 L NRL OTF STAL 282 37 44.0 38 29 57.1 24.6 7882 A 40505M001 L Cabo San L TLRS-1 250 8 8.0 22 55 3.1 112.3 7883 A 40506M001 L Ensenada TLRS-4 243 50 21.3 31 15 23.9 165.6 7884 A 40429S001 L Albuquerqu STARFIRE 253 32 9.9 34 57 51.2 1876.1 7885 A 40442M005 L Mcdonald TLRS-1 255 59 2.6 30 40 37.3 1962.0 7886 A 40433M005 L Quincy TLRS-1 239 3 18.7 39 58 30.0 1107.3 7887 A 40420M004 L Vandenberg TLRS-1 239 29 58.0 34 33 58.4 601.6 7888 A 40434M002 L Mount Hopk TLRS-1 249 7 18.6 31 41 6.4 2330.8 7889 A 40451M118 L Greenbelt TLRS-2 283 10 21.1 39 1 15.2 19.2 7890 A 40412M001 L Austin TLRS-1 262 08 01.5 30 18 46.8 244.6 7891 A 40491M002 L Flagstaff TLRS-1 248 21 55.7 35 12 52.3 2145.1 7892 A 40492M001 L Vernal TLRS-1 250 25 45.0 40 19 36.6 1589.8 7894 A 40493M001 L Yuma TLRS-1 245 47 48.7 32 56 20.8 237.6 7895 A --- L Mount Wils TLRS-1 283 10 19.7 39 1 14.5 21.9 7896 A 40400M001 L Pasadena TLRS-1 241 49 39.7 34 12 19.9 442.9 7897 A 40442M010 L Mcdonald TLRS-1 255 59 5.6 30 40 49.7 2004.9 7899 A 40451M111 L Greenbelt TLRS-1 283 10 48.1 39 1 15.3 10.2 7902 A 30304S001 L Olifantsfo SAO-3 27 41 10.2 -25-53-22.9 1407.5 7907 A 42202S001 L Arequipa SAO-2 288 30 24.7 -16-27-56.6 2492.9 7917 A 40451M119 L Greenbelt SAO-3 283 10 18.9 39 1 17.7 25.7 7918 A 40451M120 L Greenbelt MOBLAS-6 283 10 19.7 39 1 14.5 19.4 7919 A 40451M121 L Greenbelt TLRS-4 283 10 19.7 39 1 14.5 21.9 7920 A 40451M117 L Greenbelt TLRS-1 283 10 21.0 39 1 12.9 19.3 7921 A 40434S001 L Mount Hopk SAO-4 249 7 18.9 31 41 3.2 2358.2 7929 A 41604S001 L Natal SAO-1 324 50 7.3 -5-55-40.1 42.6 7935 A 21705S001 L Dodair DDR FIXED 139 11 30.6 36 0 20.7 903.2 7939 A 12734S001 L Matera SAO-1 16 42 16.8 40 38 55.7 536.5 7940 A 12602S001 L Dionysos GRE. FIXED 23 55 57.9 38 4 42.3 511.9 7941 A 12734S008 L Matera MLRO 16 42 16.5 40 38 55.2 537.6 7943 A 50103S003 L Orroral SAO-3 148 57 17.2 -35-37-29.7 950.3 7944 A --- L Tidbinbill SALRO 148 57 17.3 -35 37 29.7 689.0 7999 A --- L Mcdonald TLRS-1 255 59 5.6 30 40 49.7 2004.9 8833 A 13504M002 L Kootwijk MTLRS-1 5 48 36.6 52 10 41.4 89.2 8834 A 14201S018 L Wettzell WLRS 12 52 40.8 49 8 39.9 666.0 -SITE/ID *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************** ** SECTION WITH MANDATORY CORRECTIONS ******************************************************************************** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * =============================== * LONG-TERM MEAN RANGE BIAS MODEL * =============================== * * List of mandatory systematic errors to be applied on observations * based on the 2020 results (v230/v231) of the ILRS/ASC SSEM Pilot Project * on LAGEOS 1 & 2 and Etalon 1 & 2 observations from 1993 to 2020/06 and * its extension SSEM-X via the operational product series v280. * * The model is valid only if applied using the satellite center of gravity * model defined in the TARGET_SIGNATURE_GEOMETRY file distributed by NSGF in * late November 2019, available at: * * https://ilrs.dgfi.tum.de/data_handling * * but it can be used also with the updated version distributed on 2020.06.10 * since this version simply corrected minor errors and added a new system * that was missing in the previous versions. The latest release 220915 can * be downloaded from: * * http://geodesy.jcet.umbc.edu/ILRS_ASC_RESOURCES/CoG_2022.09.15/ * * The pre-1993 model comes from old systematic errors estimates. * * The 2-digit 'point code' "PT" in the sections: * * a) MODEL/RANGE_BIAS * b) SOLUTION/DATA_HANDLING * c) MODEL/TIME_BIAS * * contains the 2 rightmost characters (numbers) of the SP3c s/c ID. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +MODEL/RANGE_BIAS *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS 1874 51 501 A 14:019:00000 00:000:00000 R -16.8 0.7 mm 1879 51 501 A 13:188:00000 18:322:00000 R 17.8 1.2 mm 1887 51 501 A 11:296:00000 15:249:00000 R 21.4 1.7 mm 1887 51 501 A 16:101:00000 18:343:00000 R -21.6 1.4 mm 1890 51 501 A 12:001:00000 00:000:00000 R 11.4 1.1 mm 1893 51 501 A 05:212:00000 00:000:00000 R -33.3 1.4 mm 7080 51 501 A 96:133:00000 01:140:00000 R -8.4 0.5 mm 7090 51 501 A 93:001:00000 96:364:00000 R 3.8 0.3 mm 7090 51 501 A 02:116:00000 10:059:00000 R -1.7 0.2 mm 7090 51 501 A 14:208:00000 19:363:00000 R 2.0 0.2 mm 7090 51 501 A 21:066:00000 22:324:00000 R 2.6 0.3 mm 7105 51 501 A 93:017:00000 95:253:00000 R -6.3 0.7 mm 7105 51 501 A 96:056:00000 98:193:00000 R 3.4 0.7 mm 7105 51 501 A 98:193:00000 10:122:00000 R -2.9 0.3 mm 7105 51 501 A 10:339:00000 17:029:00000 R -7.1 0.3 mm 7105 51 501 A 20:047:00000 00:000:00000 R -5.1 0.4 mm 7109 51 501 A 97:009:00000 97:018:00000 R 164.9 mm CDDIS 7110 51 501 A 93:001:00000 96:175:00000 R -3.0 0.6 mm 7110 51 501 A 96:240:00000 96:277:00000 R 163.6 mm CDDIS 7110 51 501 A 96:287:00000 20:201:00000 R -5.2 0.2 mm 7119 51 501 A 06:316:00000 13:223:00000 R 1.4 0.4 mm 7119 51 501 A 13:223:00000 15:018:00000 R 5.1 1.0 mm 7119 51 501 A 15:067:00000 00:000:00000 R 9.9 0.4 mm 7124 51 501 A 98:011:00000 03:362:00000 R -5.1 0.8 mm 7124 51 501 A 04:122:00000 04:183:63240 R 163.9 mm CDDIS 7124 51 501 A 04:186:00000 18:105:00000 R -3.2 0.6 mm 7210 51 501 A 94:023:00000 99:220:00000 R -12.0 0.7 mm 7210 51 501 A 00:261:00000 04:158:00000 R 6.5 0.6 mm 7237 51 501 A 96:056:00000 97:222:00000 R 19.4 4.8 mm 7237 51 501 A 97:222:00000 02:195:00000 R -22.9 1.3 mm 7237 51 501 A 02:195:00000 12:120:00000 R 13.1 0.8 mm 7237 51 501 A 12:120:00000 20:033:00000 R 4.3 0.4 mm 7237 51 501 A 20:033:00000 23:085:00000 R 10.3 0.8 mm 7403 51 501 A 93:038:00000 03:355:00000 R -4.7 0.5 mm 7403 51 501 A 06:267:00000 13:001:00000 R 9.2 0.7 mm 7405 51 401 A 08:279:00000 09:004:00000 R -267.4 12.4 mm 7405 51 801 A 04:278:00000 06:071:00000 R 14.0 1.7 mm 7405 51 801 A 08:279:00000 14:089:00000 R 11.1 0.6 mm 7406 51 501 A 06:057:00000 12:288:00000 R -4.0 0.5 mm 7501 51 501 A 00:219:00000 17:050:00000 R 1.7 0.3 mm 7501 51 501 A 17:057:00000 19:041:00000 R 6.0 0.6 mm 7501 51 501 A 19:041:00000 21:001:00000 R 13.1 1.1 mm 7810 51 401 B 97:362:00000 02:153:00000 R -25.1 0.6 mm 7810 51 401 B 02:153:00000 05:044:00000 R -17.2 0.6 mm 7810 51 501 B 08:111:00000 12:302:00000 R 4.3 0.2 mm 7810 51 501 B 16:080:00000 00:000:00000 R 7.0 0.3 mm 7811 51 501 A 93:179:00000 03:096:00000 R -34.1 1.7 mm 7821 51 501 A 16:017:00000 22:075:00000 R -6.0 0.7 mm 7824 51 501 A 03:313:00000 10:339:00000 R 19.0 1.1 mm 7825 51 501 A 04:214:00000 00:000:00000 R 0.7 0.2 mm 7832 51 501 A 00:247:00000 11:001:00000 R 18.3 0.3 mm 7835 51 501 A 94:009:00000 97:194:00000 R 18.2 1.5 mm 7835 51 501 A 97:250:00000 05:191:00000 R 6.3 0.4 mm 7836 51 501 A 99:171:00000 04:165:00000 R -4.5 0.9 mm 7838 51 501 A 03:285:00000 11:051:00000 R 20.7 0.8 mm 7838 51 501 A 11:079:00000 18:070:00000 R -3.9 0.6 mm 7839 51 501 A 98:151:00000 03:285:00000 R 7.9 0.3 mm 7839 51 501 A 03:285:00000 00:000:00000 R 3.9 0.1 mm 7840 51 501 A 93:003:00000 02:272:00000 R -6.4 0.3 mm 7840 51 501 A 02:272:00000 07:035:00000 R -11.4 0.3 mm 7840 51 501 A 07:035:00000 00:000:00000 R -2.2 0.1 mm 7841 51 501 A 04:053:00000 00:000:00000 R 1.9 0.3 mm 7843 51 501 A 93:017:00000 95:001:00000 R 14.6 3.4 mm 7843 51 501 A 95:008:00000 97:257:00000 R -11.1 1.4 mm 7843 51 501 A 97:257:00000 98:305:00000 R 26.5 1.4 mm 7845 51 501 A 01:126:00000 04:270:00000 R 17.9 0.8 mm 7845 51 501 A 15:004:00000 19:041:00000 R -7.9 0.5 mm 7845 51 501 A 19:041:00000 00:000:00000 R -1.9 0.3 mm 7849 51 501 A 98:186:00000 03:005:00000 R 2.4 0.4 mm 7939 51 601 A 93:003:00000 00:331:00000 R -9.9 1.7 mm 7941 51 501 A 01:182:00000 07:049:00000 R -2.1 0.5 mm 7941 51 501 A 07:049:00000 07:189:00000 R -25.4 0.8 mm 7941 51 501 A 07:189:00000 07:301:00000 R -12.7 1.6 mm 8834 51 501 A 00:289:00000 14:334:00000 R -7.8 0.5 mm 8834 51 501 A 15:011:00000 19:181:00000 R -18.0 0.9 mm 8834 51 1001 A 19:153:00000 00:000:00000 R 2.4 0.3 mm * 1874 52 501 A 14:019:00000 00:000:00000 R -17.3 0.9 mm 1879 52 501 A 13:188:00000 18:322:00000 R 18.1 1.3 mm 1887 52 501 A 11:296:00000 15:249:00000 R 16.3 1.7 mm 1887 52 501 A 16:101:00000 18:343:00000 R -22.1 1.8 mm 1890 52 501 A 12:001:00000 00:000:00000 R 12.1 1.2 mm 1893 52 501 A 05:212:00000 00:000:00000 R -32.5 1.5 mm 7080 52 501 A 96:133:00000 01:140:00000 R -8.7 0.6 mm 7090 52 501 A 93:001:00000 96:364:00000 R 2.9 0.3 mm 7090 52 501 A 02:116:00000 10:059:00000 R -1.5 0.2 mm 7090 52 501 A 14:208:00000 19:363:00000 R 2.2 0.2 mm 7090 52 501 A 21:066:00000 22:324:00000 R 3.2 0.3 mm 7105 52 501 A 93:017:00000 95:253:00000 R -6.2 0.6 mm 7105 52 501 A 96:056:00000 98:193:00000 R 3.0 0.7 mm 7105 52 501 A 98:193:00000 10:122:00000 R -2.9 0.3 mm 7105 52 501 A 10:339:00000 17:029:00000 R -6.0 0.3 mm 7105 52 501 A 20:047:00000 00:000:00000 R -4.3 0.4 mm 7109 52 501 A 97:009:00000 97:018:00000 R 164.9 mm CDDIS 7110 52 501 A 93:001:00000 96:175:00000 R -2.3 0.6 mm 7110 52 501 A 96:240:00000 96:277:00000 R 163.6 mm CDDIS 7110 52 501 A 96:287:00000 20:201:00000 R -4.8 0.2 mm 7119 52 501 A 06:316:00000 13:223:00000 R 1.5 0.4 mm 7119 52 501 A 13:223:00000 15:018:00000 R 4.8 1.0 mm 7119 52 501 A 15:067:00000 00:000:00000 R 10.9 0.4 mm 7124 52 501 A 98:011:00000 03:362:00000 R -4.9 0.8 mm 7124 52 501 A 04:122:00000 04:183:63240 R 163.9 mm CDDIS 7124 52 501 A 04:186:00000 18:105:00000 R -2.1 0.7 mm 7210 52 501 A 94:023:00000 99:220:00000 R -12.7 0.7 mm 7210 52 501 A 00:261:00000 04:158:00000 R 6.6 0.7 mm 7237 52 501 A 96:056:00000 97:222:00000 R 21.1 3.4 mm 7237 52 501 A 97:222:00000 02:195:00000 R -22.1 1.3 mm 7237 52 501 A 02:195:00000 12:120:00000 R 13.2 0.8 mm 7237 52 501 A 12:120:00000 20:033:00000 R 5.4 0.4 mm 7237 52 501 A 20:033:00000 23:085:00000 R 11.5 0.8 mm 7403 52 501 A 93:038:00000 03:355:00000 R -5.0 0.5 mm 7403 52 501 A 06:267:00000 13:001:00000 R 8.3 0.7 mm 7405 52 401 A 08:279:00000 09:004:00000 R -213.1 6.7 mm 7405 52 801 A 04:278:00000 06:071:00000 R 13.7 1.9 mm 7405 52 801 A 08:279:00000 14:089:00000 R 10.3 0.7 mm 7406 52 501 A 06:057:00000 12:288:00000 R -3.5 0.5 mm 7501 52 501 A 00:219:00000 17:050:00000 R 2.1 0.3 mm 7501 52 501 A 17:057:00000 19:041:00000 R 6.8 0.7 mm 7501 52 501 A 19:041:00000 21:001:00000 R 13.0 1.1 mm 7810 52 401 B 97:362:00000 02:153:00000 R -25.0 0.7 mm 7810 52 401 B 02:153:00000 05:044:00000 R -17.5 0.7 mm 7810 52 501 B 08:111:00000 12:302:00000 R 4.1 0.2 mm 7810 52 501 B 16:080:00000 00:000:00000 R 8.2 0.3 mm 7811 52 501 A 93:179:00000 03:096:00000 R -32.5 1.9 mm 7821 52 501 A 16:017:00000 22:075:00000 R -3.4 0.7 mm 7824 52 501 A 03:313:00000 10:339:00000 R 19.5 1.3 mm 7825 52 501 A 04:214:00000 00:000:00000 R 1.4 0.2 mm 7832 52 501 A 00:247:00000 11:001:00000 R 18.8 0.4 mm 7835 52 501 A 94:009:00000 97:194:00000 R 17.3 1.5 mm 7835 52 501 A 97:250:00000 05:191:00000 R 7.1 0.4 mm 7836 52 501 A 99:171:00000 04:165:00000 R -4.5 0.9 mm 7838 52 501 A 03:285:00000 11:051:00000 R 22.0 0.9 mm 7838 52 501 A 11:079:00000 18:070:00000 R -2.4 0.6 mm 7839 52 501 A 98:151:00000 03:285:00000 R 8.5 0.3 mm 7839 52 501 A 03:285:00000 00:000:00000 R 4.7 0.1 mm 7840 52 501 A 93:003:00000 02:272:00000 R -6.5 0.3 mm 7840 52 501 A 02:272:00000 07:035:00000 R -11.1 0.3 mm 7840 52 501 A 07:035:00000 00:000:00000 R -0.7 0.1 mm 7841 52 501 A 04:053:00000 00:000:00000 R 3.0 0.3 mm 7843 52 501 A 93:017:00000 95:001:00000 R 11.9 3.6 mm 7843 52 501 A 95:008:00000 97:257:00000 R -11.6 1.5 mm 7843 52 501 A 97:257:00000 98:305:00000 R 25.4 1.3 mm 7845 52 501 A 01:126:00000 04:270:00000 R 18.2 0.8 mm 7845 52 501 A 15:004:00000 19:041:00000 R -5.7 0.5 mm 7845 52 501 A 19:041:00000 00:000:00000 R -2.2 0.3 mm 7849 52 501 A 98:186:00000 03:019:00000 R 2.6 0.4 mm 7939 52 601 A 93:003:00000 00:331:00000 R -12.7 1.7 mm 7941 52 501 A 01:182:00000 07:049:00000 R -2.3 0.5 mm 7941 52 501 A 07:049:00000 07:189:00000 R -25.2 1.0 mm 7941 52 501 A 07:189:00000 07:301:00000 R -12.7 1.5 mm 8834 52 501 A 00:289:00000 14:334:00000 R -6.4 0.4 mm 8834 52 501 A 15:011:00000 19:181:00000 R -17.7 0.7 mm 8834 52 1001 A 19:153:00000 00:000:00000 R 2.3 0.3 mm * 1874 53 501 A 14:103:00000 00:000:00000 R -12.8 1.5 mm 1879 53 501 A 13:188:00000 18:322:00000 R 16.2 2.1 mm 1887 53 501 A 11:313:00000 15:256:00000 R 16.6 3.0 mm 1887 53 501 A 16:101:00000 18:154:00000 R -29.5 2.5 mm 1893 53 501 A 11:149:00000 00:000:00000 R -22.6 3.2 mm 7080 53 501 A 00:002:00000 15:165:00000 R 4.1 0.8 mm 7090 53 501 A 03:201:00000 14:208:00000 R -7.8 0.3 mm 7105 53 501 A 00:226:00000 16:346:00000 R 2.6 0.6 mm 7105 53 501 A 17:029:00000 20:047:00000 R 17.5 0.8 mm 7105 53 501 A 20:047:00000 00:000:00000 R 7.4 0.8 mm 7110 53 501 A 96:237:00000 96:274:00000 R 163.6 mm CDDIS 7110 53 501 A 01:252:00000 22:156:00000 R -14.5 0.5 mm 7124 53 501 A 08:343:00000 18:105:00000 R 12.1 1.3 mm 7210 53 501 A 01:077:00000 04:123:00000 R 18.7 1.6 mm 7237 53 501 A 97:257:00000 02:188:00000 R -21.9 2.5 mm 7237 53 501 A 02:195:00000 12:092:00000 R 12.1 1.4 mm 7237 53 501 A 12:092:00000 23:085:00000 R -6.5 0.7 mm 7405 53 401 A 02:104:00000 04:032:00000 R -11.8 3.7 mm 7405 53 401 A 07:021:00000 09:004:00000 R -210.1 5.2 mm 7405 53 801 A 04:278:00000 14:089:00000 R 37.9 1.3 mm 7406 53 501 A 06:057:00000 09:032:00000 R -11.2 1.2 mm 7406 53 501 A 09:032:00000 12:274:00000 R -22.5 1.5 mm 7501 53 501 A 01:111:00000 00:000:00000 R 13.5 0.6 mm 7810 53 401 B 97:061:00000 06:050:00000 R -29.8 1.1 mm 7810 53 501 B 01:091:00000 16:080:00000 R 1.3 0.4 mm 7810 53 501 B 16:080:00000 22:051:00000 R 7.2 0.5 mm 7825 53 501 A 04:221:00000 07:168:00000 R -8.5 1.0 mm 7825 53 501 A 12:022:00000 00:000:00000 R -8.8 0.7 mm 7827 53 801 A 18:154:00000 20:313:00000 R 11.0 1.2 mm 7832 53 501 A 01:021:00000 11:001:00000 R 15.5 0.8 mm 7835 53 501 A 97:299:00000 02:069:00000 R -9.8 1.6 mm 7839 53 501 A 96:294:00000 00:000:00000 R 15.9 0.4 mm 7840 53 501 A 96:140:00000 07:028:00000 R -10.5 0.7 mm 7840 53 501 A 07:028:00000 00:000:00000 R -1.7 0.3 mm 7841 53 501 A 04:172:00000 00:000:00000 R 12.1 0.9 mm 7845 53 501 A 99:150:00000 01:119:00000 R -10.9 1.9 mm 7845 53 501 A 01:126:00000 04:270:00000 R 12.8 1.1 mm 7845 53 501 A 08:349:00000 17:022:00000 R -8.7 0.7 mm 7849 53 501 A 98:186:00000 02:363:00000 R -8.2 1.2 mm 7941 53 501 A 01:182:00000 07:049:00000 R 13.8 1.2 mm 7941 53 501 A 08:013:00000 00:000:00000 R 12.3 0.3 mm 8834 53 501 A 00:289:00000 09:039:00000 R -11.9 1.1 mm 8834 53 501 A 10:325:00000 19:181:00000 R -18.8 0.6 mm * 1874 54 501 A 14:103:00000 00:000:00000 R -12.8 1.5 mm 1879 54 501 A 13:188:00000 18:322:00000 R 16.2 2.1 mm 1887 54 501 A 11:313:00000 15:256:00000 R 16.6 3.0 mm 1887 54 501 A 16:101:00000 18:154:00000 R -29.5 2.5 mm 1893 54 501 A 11:149:00000 00:000:00000 R -22.6 3.2 mm 7080 54 501 A 00:002:00000 15:165:00000 R 4.1 0.8 mm 7090 54 501 A 03:201:00000 14:208:00000 R -7.8 0.3 mm 7105 54 501 A 00:226:00000 16:346:00000 R 2.6 0.6 mm 7105 54 501 A 17:029:00000 20:047:00000 R 17.5 0.8 mm 7105 54 501 A 20:047:00000 00:000:00000 R 7.4 0.8 mm 7110 54 501 A 96:237:00000 96:274:00000 R 163.6 mm CDDIS 7110 54 501 A 01:252:00000 22:156:00000 R -14.5 0.5 mm 7124 54 501 A 08:343:00000 18:105:00000 R 12.1 1.3 mm 7210 54 501 A 01:077:00000 04:123:00000 R 18.7 1.6 mm 7237 54 501 A 97:257:00000 02:188:00000 R -21.9 2.5 mm 7237 54 501 A 02:195:00000 12:092:00000 R 12.1 1.4 mm 7237 54 501 A 12:092:00000 23:085:00000 R -6.5 0.7 mm 7405 54 401 A 02:104:00000 04:032:00000 R -11.8 3.7 mm 7405 54 401 A 07:021:00000 09:004:00000 R -210.1 5.2 mm 7405 54 801 A 04:278:00000 14:089:00000 R 37.9 1.3 mm 7406 54 501 A 06:057:00000 09:032:00000 R -11.2 1.2 mm 7406 54 501 A 09:032:00000 12:274:00000 R -22.5 1.5 mm 7501 54 501 A 01:111:00000 00:000:00000 R 13.5 0.6 mm 7810 54 401 B 97:061:00000 06:050:00000 R -29.8 1.1 mm 7810 54 501 B 01:091:00000 16:080:00000 R 1.3 0.4 mm 7810 54 501 B 16:080:00000 22:051:00000 R 7.2 0.5 mm 7825 54 501 A 04:221:00000 07:168:00000 R -8.5 1.0 mm 7825 54 501 A 12:022:00000 00:000:00000 R -8.8 0.7 mm 7827 54 801 A 18:154:00000 20:313:00000 R 11.0 1.2 mm 7832 54 501 A 01:021:00000 11:001:00000 R 15.5 0.8 mm 7835 54 501 A 97:299:00000 02:069:00000 R -9.8 1.6 mm 7839 54 501 A 96:294:00000 00:000:00000 R 15.9 0.4 mm 7840 54 501 A 96:140:00000 07:028:00000 R -10.5 0.7 mm 7840 54 501 A 07:028:00000 00:000:00000 R -1.7 0.3 mm 7841 54 501 A 04:172:00000 00:000:00000 R 12.1 0.9 mm 7845 54 501 A 99:150:00000 01:119:00000 R -10.9 1.9 mm 7845 54 501 A 01:126:00000 04:270:00000 R 12.8 1.1 mm 7845 54 501 A 08:349:00000 17:022:00000 R -8.7 0.7 mm 7849 54 501 A 98:186:00000 02:363:00000 R -8.2 1.2 mm 7941 54 501 A 01:182:00000 07:049:00000 R 13.8 1.2 mm 7941 54 501 A 08:013:00000 00:000:00000 R 12.3 0.3 mm 8834 54 501 A 00:289:00000 09:039:00000 R -11.9 1.1 mm 8834 54 501 A 10:325:00000 19:181:00000 R -18.8 0.6 mm *----------------- * pre-1993 RB model *----------------- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7080 -- ---- A 88:001:00000 89:349:00000 R -40.00 mm 7080 -- ---- A 90:094:00000 93:168:00000 R 25.00 mm 7110 -- ---- A 84:001:00000 84:136:00000 R 30.00 mm 7110 -- ---- A 87:300:00000 88:025:00000 R 30.00 mm 7122 -- ---- A 84:122:00000 87:074:00000 R 30.00 mm 7123 -- ---- A 87:195:00000 87:282:00000 R -30.00 mm 7210 -- ---- A 83:001:00000 87:255:00000 R 25.00 mm 7210 -- ---- A 87:255:00000 93:001:00000 R -37.00 mm 7512 -- ---- A 92:061:00000 92:153:00000 R -30.00 mm 7517 -- ---- A 92:153:00000 92:245:00000 R -80.00 mm 7525 -- ---- A 92:061:00000 92:183:00000 R 11.00 mm 7544 -- ---- A 92:245:00000 93:001:00000 R -60.00 mm 7545 -- ---- A 93:274:00000 94:091:00000 R 15.00 mm 7580 -- ---- A 92:306:00000 93:032:00000 R 68.00 mm 7587 -- ---- A 92:214:00000 92:306:00000 R 30.00 mm 7810 -- ---- A 88:145:00000 89:273:00000 R 50.00 mm 7834 -- ---- A 85:070:00000 86:199:00000 R -30.00 mm *-------------------------- ******************************************************************************** ** SECTION WITH OPTIONAL CORRECTIONS COMMENTED with "*" in col. #1 (Van Husson) ** If applied, the mandatory model must be subtracted ******************************************************************************** *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *7090 -- ---- A 01:353:43920 01:353:46800 R -290381.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 03:196:78720 03:196:79440 R -8534.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 03:220:77580 03:220:78480 R -8531.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 03:229:74400 03:229:75600 R -8531.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 04:033:75720 04:033:76800 R -8518.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 04:048:73080 04:048:73740 R -8521.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 06:184:72480 06:184:75600 R 8523.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 07:026:65340 07:026:65880 R -8520.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 07:050:73380 07:050:73800 R 8525.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 07:275:44400 07:275:44760 R -8518.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 08:244:65220 08:244:65760 R -8524.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 10:118:64320 10:118:64800 R -2779.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 10:118:69000 10:118:72000 R -2779.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 10:148:27000 10:148:27540 R -8523.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 10:297:78600 10:297:79500 R 8533.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 13:025:59040 13:025:59460 R -8493.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 13:287:59880 13:287:63000 R 8515.00 mm *7090 -- ---- A 19:267:62220 19:267:62400 R 8806.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 00:006:24900 00:006:28800 R -9197.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 00:007:19320 00:007:21600 R -9208.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 02:092:01800 02:092:14000 R -9199.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 03:308:80940 03:308:81660 R -9224.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 08:142:22260 08:142:23400 R 9265.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 08:150:21180 08:150:21900 R 9265.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 08:150:22140 08:150:22740 R 9265.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 08:150:23820 08:150:24600 R 9265.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 09:131:03600 09:131:05040 R 9125.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 10:076:35160 10:076:36240 R -4837.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 10:076:36780 10:076:37440 R -4837.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 11:211:04860 11:211:06480 R 9094.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 11:222:11880 11:222:12300 R 9098.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 12:006:04560 12:006:05400 R 9098.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 12:006:84120 12:007:02400 R 9098.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 12:016:17160 12:016:19500 R -9107.00 mm *7105 -- ---- A 13:035:39060 13:035:40080 R 9098.00 mm *7124 -- ---- A 16:271:27420 16:271:30300 R -9066.00 mm *7124 -- ---- A 16:280:41370 16:280:43000 R -9057.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 12:071:00000 12:073:64080 R -66.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 12:074:21600 12:074:79200 R -66.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 12:077:57600 12:079:08400 R -66.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 12:079:36000 12:080:05400 R -66.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 12:080:14400 12:089:75600 R -66.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 12:090:43000 12:092:07800 R -66.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 12:092:64800 12:094:28800 R -66.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 14:157:24720 14:157:30060 R -199806.00 mm *7501 -- ---- A 14:322:55560 14:322:65400 R -199815.00 mm -MODEL/RANGE_BIAS * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +SOLUTION/DATA_HANDLING *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * list of data to be deleted *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M ____________ _______ _________ ____ CMNTS 1863 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 94:001:00000 X 1864 -- ---- A 02:070:00000 02:101:00000 X 1873 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 95:001:00000 X 1873 -- ---- A 09:244:00000 12:001:00000 X 1873 -- ---- A 11:182:00000 12:153:00000 X ITB 1873 -- ---- A 13:056:00000 13:064:00000 X VLB 1884 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 94:212:00000 X 1889 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 12:172:00000 X 1893 51 ---- A 00:000:00000 98:001:00000 X 1893 52 ---- A 00:000:00000 98:001:00000 X 1893 53 ---- A 00:000:00000 02:001:00000 X 1893 54 ---- A 00:000:00000 02:001:00000 X 7080 -- ---- A 16:106:00000 00:000:00000 X 7090 -- ---- A 02:200:43200 02:201:00000 X Tb 7090 -- ---- A 03:102:28800 03:105:00000 X Rb 7090 -- ---- A 09:333:00000 09:337:05400 X Tb 7090 -- ---- A 09:338:63000 09:339:10800 X Tb 7090 -- ---- A 09:341:37680 09:342:45240 X Tb 7090 -- ---- A 17:152:29160 17:152:68100 X WMD 7105 -- ---- A 99:119:18000 99:123:52620 X 7105 -- ---- A 06:336:18000 06:342:10800 X TUF 7105 -- ---- A 15:313:00000 15:321:64800 X TCP 7110 -- ---- A 00:079:00000 00:080:00000 X VLB 7110 -- ---- A 12:054:16200 12:081:00000 X NTU 7110 -- ---- A 12:183:00000 12:216:61200 X VLB 7110 -- ---- A 13:164:00000 13:173:00000 X VLB 7110 -- ---- A 13:178:54000 13:183:00000 X VLB 7112 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 85:001:00000 X 7119 -- ---- A 10:182:00000 10:240:82800 X URB 7119 -- ---- A 12:030:70800 12:031:00900 X WPR 7119 -- ---- A 13:065:16691 13:065:24826 X WMD 7119 55 ---- A 13:068:66759 13:068:67003 X WMD 7119 -- ---- A 13:239:09673 13:239:13199 X WMD 7119 -- ---- A 13:274:11719 13:274:13270 X WMD 7119 -- ---- A 13:337:83551 13:338:03158 X WMD 7119 -- ---- A 13:345:13361 13:345:22187 X WMD 7119 -- ---- A 14:180:82522 14:180:82573 X HRV 7123 -- ---- A 88:238:00000 88:248:00000 X HRV 7123 -- ---- A 93:132:00000 93:132:86400 X HRV 7236 -- ---- A 98:001:00000 00:000:00000 X 7237 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 96:001:00000 X 7249 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 99:001:00000 X 7249 -- ---- A 99:011:64898 99:215:00000 X HRV 7249 -- ---- A 12:001:00000 12:066:00000 X SUB 7355 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 03:001:00000 X 7355 -- ---- A 04:001:00000 00:000:00000 X 7403 -- ---- A 01:175:73994 01:266:00000 X EQK 7403 -- ---- A 11:293:00000 11:365:00000 X UDP 7403 -- ---- A 16:175:26160 16:176:39600 X VLB 7405 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 04:278:00000 X 7406 -- ---- A 12:287:00000 12:307:00000 X VLB 7501 -- ---- A 01:013:64800 01:014:25200 X TDP 7501 -- ---- A 07:083:72000 07:086:10800 X TDP 7510 -- ---- A 92:175:00000 92:274:00000 X 7548 -- ---- A 92:180:00000 00:195:00000 X 7585 -- ---- A 92:175:00000 92:274:00000 X 7810 -- 501 A 93:001:00000 96:001:00000 X 7810 -- 401 B 96:353:00000 97:363:00000 X 7810 -- ---- B 15:184:00000 15:187:28800 X TDP 7811 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 93:201:00000 X 7820 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 00:293:00000 X 7824 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 96:001:00000 X 7824 -- ---- B 99:181:81828 99:186:02301 X 7824 -- ---- B 15:168:75600 15:169:14400 X 7831 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 84:001:00000 X 7831 -- ---- A 99:006:00000 99:075:00000 X 7831 51 ---- A 99:331:79421 99:338:83087 X 7832 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 98:001:00000 X 7832 -- ---- A 11:001:00000 00:000:00000 X 7835 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 88:275:00000 X 7837 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 90:001:00000 X 7838 -- ---- A 18:070:00000 20:171:00000 X SUB 7841 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 04:050:00000 X 7941 -- ---- A 11:267:64800 11:268:28800 X TDP 8834 -- ---- A 09:046:00000 10:319:00000 X * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * list of sites with mandatory arc dependent biases to be estimated *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS 1824 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1864 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1868 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1873 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1879 -- 501 A 08:279:00000 13:188:00000 E mm 1884 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1886 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1887 -- 501 A 18:343:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1890 53 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1890 54 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 1893 -- 501 A 98:001:00000 05:001:00000 E mm 1953 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7080 51 501 A 93:001:00000 96:133:00000 E mm 7080 52 501 A 93:001:00000 96:133:00000 E mm 7080 53 501 A 93:001:00000 99:339:00000 E mm 7080 54 501 A 93:001:00000 99:339:00000 E mm 7090 51 501 A 19:356:00000 21:066:00000 E mm 7090 51 501 A 22:324:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7090 52 501 A 19:356:00000 21:066:00000 E mm 7090 52 501 A 22:324:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7090 53 501 A 93:001:00000 99:185:00000 E mm 7090 54 501 A 93:001:00000 99:185:00000 E mm 7105 53 501 A 93:001:00000 00:044:00000 E mm 7105 54 501 A 93:001:00000 00:044:00000 E mm 7110 51 501 A 20:201:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7110 52 501 A 20:201:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7110 53 501 A 93:001:00000 01:252:00000 E mm 7110 53 501 A 22:156:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7110 54 501 A 93:001:00000 01:252:00000 E mm 7110 54 501 A 22:156:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7124 -- 501 A 18:105:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7210 51 501 A 93:003:00000 94:023:00000 E mm 7210 52 501 A 93:003:00000 94:023:00000 E mm 7210 53 501 A 93:001:00000 00:001:00000 E mm 7210 54 501 A 93:001:00000 00:001:00000 E mm 7236 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7237 53 501 A 96:070:00000 97:222:00000 E mm 7237 54 501 A 96:070:00000 97:222:00000 E mm 7237 -- 501 A 23:085:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7249 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7308 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7358 51 501 A 17:001:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7358 52 501 A 17:001:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7358 53 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7358 54 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7396 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7403 -- 501 A 13:001:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7406 -- 501 A 12:288:00000 14:330:00000 E mm 7501 51 501 A 21:001:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7501 52 501 A 21:001:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7548 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7827 51 801 A 22:213:00000 30:000:00000 E mm 7827 52 801 A 22:213:00000 30:000:00000 E mm 7806 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7810 -- 801 B 00:000:00000 07:001:00000 E mm 7810 51 401 B 05:100:00000 06:043:00000 E mm 7810 52 401 B 05:100:00000 06:043:00000 E mm 7810 -- 501 B 23:060:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7811 53 501 A 00:000:00000 03:001:00000 E mm 7811 54 501 A 00:000:00000 03:001:00000 E mm 7819 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7820 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7821 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 16:017:00000 E mm 7824 -- 501 A 97:117:00000 03:177:00000 E mm 7824 -- 501 A 19:139:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7827 -- 801 A 14:103:00000 15:193:00000 E mm 7835 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 94:009:00000 E mm 7837 53 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7837 54 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7838 51 501 A 93:003:00000 03:285:00000 E mm 7838 51 501 A 18:070:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7838 52 501 A 93:003:00000 03:285:00000 E mm 7838 52 501 A 18:070:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7838 53 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7838 54 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7839 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 96:294:00000 E mm 7840 53 501 A 00:000:00000 96:140:00000 E mm 7840 54 501 A 00:000:00000 96:140:00000 E mm 7843 53 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 7843 54 501 A 00:000:00000 00:000:00000 E mm 8834 -- 501 A 00:000:00000 96:115:00000 E mm * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * list of new sites with preliminary coordinates (not included in current ITRF) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS 7306 -- ---- A 22:174:00000 00:000:00000 E mm NSP 7395 -- ---- A 17:223:00000 00:000:00000 E mm NSP 7701 -- ---- A 21:172:00000 00:000:00000 E mm NSP 7807 -- ---- A 23:060:00000 00:000:00000 E mm NSP 7816 -- ---- A 22:032:00000 00:000:00000 E mm NSP 7817 -- ---- A 23:060:00000 00:000:00000 E mm NSP 7865 -- ---- A 20:072:00000 00:000:00000 E mm NSP * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * list of mandatory systematic errors to be applied on observation * with updates from ILRS/AWG reprocessing results *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS 7090 -- ---- A 09:344:31560 09:345:70200 T 0.90920 ms 7105 -- ---- A 12:296:55000 12:297:02400 T 7.0470 ms 7110 -- ---- A 10:173:00000 10:208:27000 T 0.00640 ms 7110 -- ---- A 11:115:00000 11:316:00000 T 0.00780 ms 7110 -- ---- A 13:164:00000 13:173:00000 T 0.89990 ms 7124 -- ---- A 19:295:00000 19:324:00000 T -1.00 ms 7237 -- ---- A 17:038:04000 17:038:60600 U +1.0000 ms ETO 7237 -- ---- A 17:037:43200 17:037:86400 U +1.0000 ms ETO 7501 -- ---- A 00:183:00000 04:279:86399 T -0.00605 ms 7501 -- ---- A 04:280:00000 06:059:86399 T -0.00615 ms 7501 -- ---- A 06:060:00000 08:182:86399 T -0.00595 ms 7831 -- ---- A 87:001:00000 90:182:00000 T 0.0850 ms 7941 -- ---- A 10:221:61200 10:223:43200 U 100.00 ms TDP *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7840 -- ---- A 95:358:00000 95:358:86400 H -20.00 % HER 7840 -- ---- A 95:359:00000 95:361:54000 H -10.00 % HER 7840 -- ---- A 95:361:54000 95:363:57600 H -20.00 % HER 7840 -- ---- A 95:363:57600 96:017:00000 H -30.00 % HER 7840 -- ---- A 96:017:39600 96:022:00000 H -15.00 % HER 7840 -- ---- A 96:022:00000 96:043:54000 H -30.00 % HER *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7080 -- ---- A 95:065:00000 96:025:86400 P -2.10 mB BRE 7080 -- ---- A 96:026:00000 96:115:86400 P -10.30 mB BRE 7080 -- ---- A 96:116:00000 96:129:72000 P -9.70 mB BRE 7109 -- ---- A 95:284:00000 95:287:65700 P -50.00 mB BRE 7110 -- ---- A 95:105:00000 95:355:65700 P 2.00 mB BRE 7105 -- ---- A 19:074:79380 19:074:79800 P 5.20 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:074:79800 19:074:81000 P 4.90 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:074:81000 19:074:82740 P 4.70 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:074:82740 19:074:85320 P 4.60 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:074:85320 19:074:86160 P 4.20 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:09240 19:077:12300 P -13.10 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:12300 19:077:13020 P -13.40 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:13020 19:077:13380 P -13.60 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:13380 19:077:13980 P -13.70 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:19500 19:077:19920 P -13.30 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:19920 19:077:22800 P -13.20 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:22800 19:077:27240 P -13.00 mB FPR 7105 -- ---- A 19:077:27240 19:077:31620 P -12.75 mB FPR 7811 -- ---- A 00:000:00000 98:182:00000 P 3.40 .2 mB 1864 -- ---- A 90:270:00000 00:359:00000 P -6.8 1.0 mB 7105 -- ---- A 99:058:21180 99:058:37180 P -2.00 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:038:09540 99:038:13140 P -4.00 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:060:34860 99:060:53100 P 021.0 1.0 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:061:56340 99:061:59940 P 07.00 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:138:73380 99:138:76980 P 05.60 1.0 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:159:20580 99:159:24180 P 0.600 .50 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:159:32580 99:159:36180 P 01.20 .50 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:159:44820 99:159:48420 P 0.900 .50 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:190:21300 99:190:35940 P -1.00 .50 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:191:15720 99:191:19320 P 04.00 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:192:51720 99:192:70260 P -7.50 1.0 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:205:10020 99:205:13620 P 02.20 .50 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:206:28620 99:206:32220 P 06.50 1.0 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:206:29580 99:206:33180 P 06.20 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:206:56940 99:206:60540 P 04.80 1.0 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:216:07020 99:216:10620 P -.400 .50 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:216:31020 99:216:34620 P 0.700 .50 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:216:47460 99:216:51060 P 0.800 .50 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:266:02460 99:266:06060 P -1.50 .50 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:266:14700 99:266:18300 P -3.20 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:266:08100 99:266:11700 P -2.00 .50 mB FPR 7105 51 ---- A 99:266:27060 99:266:30660 P -4.10 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:266:23100 99:266:26700 P -3.70 1.0 mB FPR 7105 52 ---- A 99:266:39780 99:266:43380 P -5.10 1.0 mB FPR 7839 -- ---- A 02:161:00000 02:344:00000 P -.5 .1 mB 7845 51 ---- A 99:237:59628 99:237:63228 P -878.5 .30 mB 7849 51 ---- A 99:125:39176 99:125:42776 P 69.20 .50 mB 7849 51 ---- A 99:300:05234 99:300:08834 P 87.00 1.5 mB 7849 52 ---- A 99:300:01885 99:300:05485 P 86.00 1.5 mB -SOLUTION/DATA_HANDLING +MODEL/TIME_BIAS *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * T2L2 Tb and Tb-rate DATA RECORDS * which are significant for LARES and higher orbits (range equivalent >10 mm) * * IMPORTANT: These Tb and Tb-rate values are in MICROSEC and MICROSEC/day *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS 1824 -- ---- A 10:126:00000 10:127:00000 T -17.750 1.000 0.0 us ----- 1824 -- ---- A 10:132:00000 10:133:00000 T -5.750 1.000 0.0 us ----- 1824 -- ---- A 12:084:68460 12:085:00000 T -24.400 5.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 09:059:00000 09:110:00000 T -21.750 50.000 -0.2600 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 09:111:00000 09:160:00000 T -3.300 50.000 -0.1000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 09:324:00000 10:095:00000 T 2.000 50.000 0.0750 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 10:096:00000 10:159:00000 T 6.150 50.000 0.4000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 10:201:00000 10:224:00000 T 906.000 50.000 0.4500 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 10:225:00000 10:280:00000 T 11.600 50.000 0.5800 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 10:306:00000 10:325:00000 T -50.000 50.000 -5.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 10:350:00000 11:064:00000 T -380.000 50.000 -9.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 11:101:00000 11:112:00000 T -3400.000 50.000 -60.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 11:113:00000 11:136:00000 T -3000.000 50.000 -135.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 11:137:00000 11:150:00000 T -600.000 50.000 -75.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 11:192:00000 11:214:00000 T -1000.000 50.000 -75.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 11:218:00000 11:276:00000 T -2100.000 50.000 -75.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 11:329:00000 11:346:00000 T -800.000 50.000 -75.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 12:108:00000 12:132:00000 T -1370.000 50.000 -75.0000 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 12:262:00000 12:325:00000 T -12.000 50.000 -0.1700 us drift 1893 -- ---- A 10:142:00000 10:143:00000 T -3.465 0.030 0.0 us ----- 7090 -- ---- A 11:363:00000 12:011:00000 T 0.775 0.035 0.0180 us drift 7105 -- ---- A 11:111:00000 11:113:00000 T -2.150 0.025 0.0 us ----- 7110 -- ---- A 12:164:00000 12:168:00000 T 36.325 0.050 0.0 us ----- 7237 -- ---- A 10:022:00000 10:121:00000 T -3.100 0.030 0.0 us ----- 7237 -- ---- A 10:121:00000 10:174:00000 T -2.830 0.030 0.0075 us drift 7237 -- ---- A 10:174:00000 10:219:00000 T -2.500 0.030 0.0 us ----- 7237 -- ---- A 10:219:00000 11:087:00000 T -2.850 0.030 -0.0030 us drift 7501 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 08:254:00000 T -5.700 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 08:257:00000 09:184:00000 T -6.000 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 09:184:00000 10:019:00000 T -6.070 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 10:019:00000 10:231:00000 T -6.000 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 10:231:00000 10:348:00000 T -5.840 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 10:348:00000 11:313:00000 T -5.400 0.050 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 11:313:00000 12:203:00000 T -5.850 0.050 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 12:203:00000 12:301:00000 T -6.000 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 12:301:00000 13:001:00000 T -4.150 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7838 -- ---- A 09:131:00000 10:008:00000 T 11.000 5.000 0.0 us ----- 7838 -- ---- A 10:008:00000 10:009:00000 T 5.000 0.400 0.0 us ----- 7845 -- ---- A 10:291:00000 10:298:00000 T 2.000 0.030 0.0280 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 10:298:00000 10:305:00000 T 2.200 0.030 0.0280 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 10:305:00000 10:312:00000 T 2.400 0.030 0.0280 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 10:312:00000 10:319:00000 T 2.600 0.030 0.0280 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 10:319:00000 10:326:00000 T 2.850 0.030 0.0280 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 10:326:00000 10:333:00000 T 3.100 0.030 0.0280 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 10:333:00000 10:340:00000 T 3.435 0.030 0.0320 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 10:340:00000 10:356:00000 T 3.800 0.030 0.0320 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 11:172:00000 11:180:00000 T 2.020 0.030 0.0300 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 11:180:00000 11:187:00000 T 2.250 0.030 0.0300 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 11:187:00000 11:194:00000 T 2.450 0.030 0.0300 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 11:194:00000 11:201:00000 T 2.650 0.030 0.0300 us drift 7941 -- ---- A 11:212:72060 11:212:82800 T 13.550 0.050 0.0 us ----- 7941 -- ---- A 11:216:68460 11:217:21600 T 13.000 0.050 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 13:172:00000 13:196:00000 T 3.630 30.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 15:001:00000 15:135:00000 T -3.000 12.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 15:135:00000 15:196:00000 T -12.000 5.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 15:196:00000 15:197:00000 T -121.000 2.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 15:197:00000 15:242:00000 T -11.800 5.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 15:242:00000 16:033:00000 T -8.000 5.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 16:033:00000 16:122:00000 T -11.000 5.000 0.0 us ----- 1889 -- ---- A 16:327:55560 16:327:63480 T 10.100 0.100 0.0 us ----- 7105 -- ---- A 15:194:57000 15:199:00000 T 14.450 0.100 0.0 us ----- 7105 -- ---- A 15:199:00000 15:206:07200 T 14.600 0.100 0.0 us ----- 7124 -- ---- A 15:264:00000 16:021:00000 T 8.260 0.030 0.0 us ----- 7124 -- ---- A 16:021:00000 16:044:00000 T 16.265 0.030 0.0 us ----- 7124 -- ---- A 16:044:00000 16:176:00000 T 8.260 0.030 0.0 us ----- 7237 -- ---- A 14:353:00000 15:001:00000 T 0.080 0.030 0.0245 us drift 7237 -- ---- A 15:364:00000 16:002:00000 T -0.025 0.035 0.0270 us drift 7237 -- ---- A 16:026:00000 16:027:01800 T 26.100 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7403 -- ---- A 14:167:00000 14:190:00000 T 2.185 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7403 -- ---- A 14:190:00000 14:225:00000 T 2.260 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7403 -- ---- A 14:225:00000 14:342:00000 T 2.156 0.040 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:060:00000 T -4.125 0.045 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 13:060:00000 13:100:00000 T -4.075 0.045 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 13:100:00000 13:213:00000 T -3.990 0.045 -0.0005 us drift 7501 -- ---- A 13:213:00000 13:339:00000 T -4.005 0.045 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 13:339:00000 14:129:00000 T -4.045 0.045 0.0 us ----- 7501 -- ---- A 14:129:00000 15:001:00000 T -6.045 0.045 0.0 us ----- 7810 -- ---- B 15:187:00000 15:188:28800 T -2.650 0.050 0.0 us ----- 7838 -- ---- A 13:219:00000 13:260:00000 T -2.000 0.030 -0.0750 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 13:260:00000 13:292:00000 T -4.850 0.030 0.0650 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 13:292:00000 13:324:00000 T -4.100 0.030 -0.0350 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 13:324:00000 13:337:00000 T -5.200 0.030 -0.0250 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 13:337:00000 14:001:00000 T -8.100 0.030 -0.0150 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 14:001:00000 14:015:00000 T -9.400 0.030 -0.0150 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 14:015:00000 14:052:00000 T -13.900 0.030 -0.0150 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 14:052:00000 14:071:00000 T -15.800 0.030 -0.0250 us drift 7838 -- ---- A 14:071:00000 14:090:00000 T -16.500 0.030 -0.0450 us drift 7845 -- ---- A 14:317:00000 14:326:00000 T -61.330 0.025 0.0 us ----- 8834 -- ---- A 13:011:00000 13:047:00000 T -2.250 0.025 -0.0014 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 13:047:00000 13:125:43200 T -2.350 0.025 -0.0014 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 13:125:43260 13:126:00000 T -29.090 0.025 0.0 us ----- 8834 -- ---- A 14:249:00000 14:264:00000 T -2.050 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 14:264:00000 14:279:00000 T -2.150 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 14:279:00000 14:295:00000 T -2.250 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 14:295:00000 14:310:00000 T -2.350 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 14:310:00000 14:325:00000 T -2.450 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 14:325:00000 14:338:00000 T -2.550 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 14:338:00000 14:352:00000 T -2.650 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 14:352:00000 15:001:00000 T -2.750 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:001:00000 15:014:00000 T -2.850 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:014:00000 15:027:00000 T -2.950 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:027:00000 15:040:00000 T -3.050 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:040:00000 15:054:00000 T -3.150 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:054:00000 15:068:00000 T -3.250 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:068:00000 15:081:00000 T -3.370 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:081:00000 15:095:00000 T -3.500 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:095:00000 15:107:00000 T -3.600 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:107:00000 15:122:00000 T -3.710 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:122:00000 15:136:00000 T -3.810 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:136:00000 15:150:00000 T -3.930 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:150:00000 15:158:00000 T -4.040 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:158:00000 15:170:00000 T -4.110 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:170:00000 15:182:00000 T -4.220 0.025 -0.0065 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 15:360:00000 16:007:00000 T -0.900 0.025 -0.0084 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 16:358:00000 16:363:00000 T -2.000 0.025 -0.0179 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 16:363:00000 17:001:00000 T -2.100 0.025 -0.0179 us drift 8834 -- ---- A 17:006:00000 17:010:00000 T -2.300 0.010 -0.0200 us drift 1873 -- ---- A 17:340:00000 17:340:00000 T 1300.000 0.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 17:328:00000 17:328:00000 T 51.000 0.000 0.0 us ----- 1873 -- ---- A 17:030:00000 17:360:00000 T -5.000 5.500 0.0 us ----- * *=============================================================================== * list of RECOMMENDED Tb corrections converted from CDDIS data base free format * * Station clock correct time = NP_time - Tb_correction * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS 7090 -- ---- A 96:206:00000 96:206:86400 T -0.0020 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:207:00000 96:207:86400 T -0.0021 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:208:00000 96:208:86400 T -0.0023 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:209:00000 96:209:86400 T -0.0023 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:210:00000 96:210:86400 T -0.0024 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:211:00000 96:211:86400 T -0.0024 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:212:00000 96:212:86400 T -0.0025 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:213:00000 96:213:86400 T -0.0025 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:214:00000 96:214:86400 T -0.0025 ms CCD 7090 -- ---- A 96:215:00000 96:215:79020 T -0.0025 ms CCD 7403 -- ---- A 97:026:00000 97:026:86400 T 0.0020 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:027:00000 97:027:86400 T 0.0024 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:028:00000 97:028:86400 T 0.0028 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:029:00000 97:029:86400 T 0.0033 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:030:00000 97:030:86400 T 0.0037 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:031:00000 97:031:86400 T 0.0041 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:032:00000 97:032:86400 T 0.0046 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:033:00000 97:033:86400 T 0.0050 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:034:00000 97:034:86400 T 0.0054 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:035:00000 97:035:86400 T 0.0058 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:036:00000 97:036:86400 T 0.0055 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:037:00000 97:037:86400 T 0.0051 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:038:00000 97:038:86400 T 0.0046 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:039:00000 97:039:86400 T 0.0042 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:040:00000 97:040:86400 T 0.0038 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:041:00000 97:041:86400 T 0.0034 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:042:00000 97:042:86400 T 0.0029 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:043:00000 97:043:86400 T 0.0025 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:044:00000 97:044:86400 T 0.0021 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:054:00000 97:054:86400 T -0.0022 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:055:00000 97:055:86400 T -0.0027 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:060:00000 97:060:86400 T -0.0022 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:061:00000 97:061:86400 T -0.0026 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:062:00000 97:062:86400 T -0.0031 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:063:00000 97:063:86400 T -0.0035 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:064:00000 97:064:86400 T -0.0040 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:065:00000 97:065:86400 T -0.0044 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:066:00000 97:066:86400 T -0.0048 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:067:00000 97:067:86400 T -0.0053 ms Tb 7403 -- ---- A 97:068:00000 97:068:76200 T -0.0057 ms Tb 7210 -- ---- A 88:012:00000 88:337:86400 T -0.0541 ms Tb 7832 -- ---- A 97:149:00000 97:176:86400 T -0.0410 ms Tb 7810 51 ---- A 97:277:83937 97:277:84287 T 64.500 ms Tb 7090 -- ---- A 98:355:00000 98:355:86400 T 0.3875 ms Tb 7105 -- ---- A 99:063:72900 99:067:41720 T .2015 ms Tb *=============================================================================== * list of data corrections converted from CDDIS data base (Van Husson`s tables) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS 7109 -- ---- A 97:009:00000 97:012:00000 T -.0024 ms SCD 7109 -- ---- A 97:012:00000 97:015:00000 T -.0025 ms SCD 7109 -- ---- A 97:015:00000 97:018:00000 T -.0026 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 94:353:00000 94:353:86400 T .00200 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 94:354:00000 94:354:86400 T .00210 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 94:355:00000 94:355:86400 T .00220 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 94:356:00000 94:356:86400 T .00220 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:003:00000 95:003:86400 T .00200 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:004:00000 95:004:86400 T .00210 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:005:00000 95:005:86400 T .00230 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:006:00000 95:006:86400 T .00240 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:007:00000 95:007:86400 T .00260 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:008:00000 95:008:86400 T .00270 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:009:00000 95:009:32400 T .00290 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:025:00000 95:025:86400 T .00210 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:026:00000 95:026:86400 T .00220 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:027:00000 95:027:86400 T .00230 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:028:00000 95:028:86400 T .00250 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:029:00000 95:029:86400 T .00260 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:030:00000 95:030:86400 T .00270 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:031:00000 95:031:86400 T .00290 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:032:00000 95:032:86400 T .00300 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:033:00000 95:033:86400 T .00310 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:034:00000 95:034:86400 T .00330 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:035:00000 95:035:86400 T .00340 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:036:00000 95:036:86400 T .00350 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:037:00000 95:037:86400 T .00370 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:038:00000 95:038:86400 T .00380 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:039:00000 95:039:86400 T .00390 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:040:00000 95:040:86400 T .00410 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:041:00000 95:041:86400 T .00420 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:042:00000 95:042:86400 T .00430 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:043:00000 95:043:86400 T .00450 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:044:00000 95:044:86400 T .00460 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:045:00000 95:045:86400 T .00470 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:046:00000 95:046:86400 T .00490 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:047:00000 95:047:32400 T .00500 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:061:00000 95:061:86400 T .00220 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:062:00000 95:062:86400 T .00210 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:069:00000 95:069:86400 T .00220 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:070:00000 95:070:86400 T .00240 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:071:00000 95:071:86400 T .00260 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:072:00000 95:072:86400 T .00280 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:073:00000 95:073:86400 T .00300 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:074:00000 95:074:86400 T .00330 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:075:00000 95:075:86400 T .00350 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:076:00000 95:076:86400 T .00370 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:077:00000 95:077:86400 T .00390 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:078:00000 95:078:86400 T .00410 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:079:00000 95:079:86400 T .00440 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:080:00000 95:080:86400 T .00460 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:081:00000 95:081:86400 T .00480 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:082:00000 95:082:86400 T .00500 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:083:00000 95:083:86400 T .00520 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:084:00000 95:084:86400 T .00550 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:085:00000 95:085:86400 T .00570 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:086:00000 95:086:86400 T .00590 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:087:00000 95:087:86400 T .00580 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:088:00000 95:088:86400 T .00600 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:089:00000 95:089:86400 T .00610 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:090:00000 95:090:86400 T .00630 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:091:00000 95:091:86400 T .00640 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:092:00000 95:092:86400 T .00660 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:093:00000 95:093:86400 T .00670 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:094:00000 95:094:86400 T .00690 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:095:00000 95:095:86400 T .00710 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:096:00000 95:096:86400 T .00720 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:097:00000 95:097:86400 T .00740 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:098:00000 95:098:86400 T .00750 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:099:00000 95:099:86400 T .00770 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:100:00000 95:100:86400 T .00790 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:101:00000 95:101:86400 T .00800 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:102:00000 95:102:86400 T .00820 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:103:00000 95:103:86400 T .00830 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:104:00000 95:104:86400 T .00850 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:105:00000 95:105:86400 T .00850 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:106:00000 95:106:86400 T .00860 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:107:00000 95:107:86400 T .00840 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:108:00000 95:108:86400 T .00820 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:109:00000 95:109:86400 T .00800 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:110:00000 95:110:86400 T .00780 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:111:00000 95:111:86400 T .00770 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:112:00000 95:112:86400 T .00780 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:113:00000 95:113:86400 T .00790 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:114:00000 95:114:86400 T .00810 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:115:00000 95:115:86400 T .00820 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:116:00000 95:116:86400 T .00830 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:117:00000 95:117:86400 T .00830 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:118:00000 95:118:86400 T .00830 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:119:00000 95:119:86400 T .00820 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:120:00000 95:120:86400 T .00820 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:121:00000 95:121:86400 T .00810 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:122:00000 95:122:86400 T .00810 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:123:00000 95:123:86400 T .00800 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:124:00000 95:124:86400 T .00810 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:125:00000 95:125:86400 T .00820 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:126:00000 95:126:86400 T .00830 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:127:00000 95:127:86400 T .00840 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:128:00000 95:128:86400 T .00850 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:129:00000 95:129:86400 T .00870 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:130:00000 95:130:86400 T .00880 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:131:00000 95:131:86400 T .00890 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:132:00000 95:132:86400 T .00880 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:133:00000 95:133:86400 T .00870 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:134:00000 95:134:86400 T .00850 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:135:00000 95:135:86400 T .00840 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:136:00000 95:136:86400 T .00830 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:137:00000 95:137:86400 T .00820 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:138:00000 95:138:86400 T .00830 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:139:00000 95:139:86400 T .00840 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:140:00000 95:140:86400 T .00850 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:141:00000 95:141:86400 T .00860 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:142:00000 95:142:58560 T .00870 ms SCD 7210 -- ---- A 95:142:58560 95:144:19620 T 19.53600 ms SCD *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For the listed cases below, see SLRmails #0396,#0398 for details *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7210 -- ---- A 99:168:00000 99:169:00000 T .0058 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:169:00000 99:180:00000 T .0073 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:180:00000 99:181:00000 T .0032 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:181:00000 99:182:00000 T .0041 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:182:00000 99:183:00000 T .0049 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:183:00000 99:188:00000 T .0056 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:188:00000 99:189:00000 T .0091 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:189:00000 99:190:00000 T .0098 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:195:00000 99:196:00000 T .0056 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:196:00000 99:197:00000 T .0066 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:197:00000 99:202:00000 T .0075 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:202:00000 99:203:00000 T .0122 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:203:00000 99:204:00000 T .0136 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:204:00000 99:210:00000 T .0146 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:210:00000 99:211:00000 T .0124 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:211:00000 99:215:00000 T .0154 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:215:00000 99:216:00000 T .0269 ms TDP 7210 -- ---- A 99:216:00000 99:217:00000 T .0308 ms TDP *##############################################################################* ******************************************************************************** ** SECTION WITH OPTIONAL CORRECTIONS COMMENTED with "*" in col. #1 ******************************************************************************** * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * T2L2 Tb and Tb-rate *** OPTIONAL DATA RECORDS *** which are not * significant for LARES and higher orbits (range equivalent <10 mm) * COMMENTED with a "*" in col. #1 * IMPORTANT: These Tb and Tb-rate values are in MICROSEC and MICROSEC/day * ******************************************************************************** * NOTE: SLR data users of other (lower) targets should evaluate by themselves * the significance of these Tb errors for their particular circumstances. ******************************************************************************** *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS *1824 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 10:126:00000 T 0.000 1.000 0.0 us ----- *1824 -- ---- A 10:127:00000 10:132:00000 T -0.900 1.000 0.0 us ----- *1824 -- ---- A 10:133:00000 12:084:68400 T -2.000 5.000 0.0 us ----- *1824 -- ---- A 12:085:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.145 0.200 0.0 us ----- *1831 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 10:001:00000 T 0.000 0.250 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 09:161:00000 09:234:00000 T -1.200 50.000 0.1100 us drift *1873 -- ---- A 09:235:00000 09:323:00000 T -1.200 50.000 0.1200 us drift *1873 -- ---- A 12:172:00000 12:262:00000 T -1.000 50.000 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 10:124:64800 T 0.075 0.040 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 10:124:64860 10:125:03600 T 0.480 0.040 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 10:125:03660 10:142:00000 T 0.075 0.040 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 10:143:00000 12:292:00000 T 0.060 0.040 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 12:292:00000 12:293:00000 T -0.650 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 12:293:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.075 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7080 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 09:122:00000 T -0.100 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7080 -- ---- A 09:122:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.150 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 08:281:00000 T -0.250 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 08:281:00000 08:334:00000 T -0.150 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 08:334:00000 08:336:00000 T -0.290 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 08:336:00000 09:007:00000 T -0.150 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 09:007:00000 09:083:72000 T -0.350 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 09:083:72060 09:204:00000 T -0.150 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 09:204:00000 09:330:00000 T 0.850 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 09:330:00000 09:337:00000 T 0.000 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 09:337:00000 09:339:00000 T -0.525 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 09:339:00000 09:349:43200 T 0.000 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 09:349:43260 10:004:00000 T -0.250 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 10:004:00000 10:041:07200 T -0.450 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 10:041:07260 10:240:00000 T -0.085 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 10:240:00000 11:013:00000 T -0.270 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 11:013:00000 11:020:00000 T -0.085 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 11:020:00000 11:052:00000 T -0.160 0.035 0.0100 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:052:00000 11:080:00000 T 0.000 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 11:080:00000 11:096:00000 T 0.035 0.035 0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:096:00000 11:112:00000 T 0.135 0.035 0.0093 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:112:00000 11:128:00000 T 0.270 0.035 0.0093 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:128:00000 11:144:00000 T 0.450 0.035 0.0093 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:144:00000 11:157:00000 T 0.640 0.035 0.0093 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:157:00000 11:169:00000 T 0.760 0.035 0.0093 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:169:00000 11:216:00000 T 0.870 0.035 0.0035 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:216:00000 11:256:00000 T 1.035 0.035 0.0035 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:256:00000 11:319:00000 T 0.450 0.035 0.0120 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:319:00000 11:348:00000 T 0.075 0.035 0.0150 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 11:348:00000 11:363:00000 T 0.300 0.035 0.0150 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 12:011:00000 12:025:00000 T 0.100 0.035 0.0220 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 12:025:00000 12:046:00000 T 0.330 0.035 0.0220 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 12:046:00000 12:100:00000 T 0.510 0.035 0.0280 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 12:100:00000 12:178:00000 T -0.950 0.035 -0.0080 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 12:178:00000 12:234:00000 T -1.300 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 12:234:00000 12:278:00000 T -1.230 0.035 0.0070 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 12:278:00000 12:335:00000 T -1.260 0.035 0.0035 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 12:335:00000 13:001:00000 T -1.145 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 08:317:00000 T 0.015 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 08:317:00000 09:034:00000 T -0.140 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 09:034:00000 09:047:00000 T 0.070 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 09:047:00000 09:217:00000 T -0.140 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 09:217:00000 09:233:00000 T -0.440 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 09:233:00000 09:302:00000 T -0.350 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 09:302:00000 10:120:00000 T 0.125 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 10:120:00000 11:104:00000 T -0.025 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 11:104:00000 11:107:00000 T -0.750 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 11:107:00000 11:111:00000 T -1.700 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 11:113:00000 12:183:00000 T -0.050 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 12:183:00000 12:348:00000 T 0.050 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 12:348:00000 13:001:00000 T -0.075 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 08:326:00000 T 0.250 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 08:326:00000 09:315:00000 T 0.350 0.100 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 09:315:00000 09:338:00000 T 0.250 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 09:338:00000 10:043:00000 T -0.650 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 10:043:00000 10:175:00000 T -0.180 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 10:177:00000 10:205:00000 T 1.250 0.100 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 10:205:00000 10:223:00000 T -0.180 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 10:223:00000 10:238:00000 T 0.810 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 10:238:00000 11:001:00000 T 0.425 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 11:001:00000 11:049:00000 T 0.600 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 11:049:00000 11:114:00000 T 0.400 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 11:114:00000 11:317:00000 T 1.450 0.500 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 11:317:00000 11:335:00000 T 0.420 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 11:335:00000 12:013:00000 T 0.185 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 12:013:00000 12:073:00000 T 0.485 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 12:073:00000 12:122:00000 T 0.225 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 12:122:00000 12:164:00000 T 0.350 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 12:168:00000 12:194:00000 T 0.540 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 12:194:00000 12:204:00000 T 0.200 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 12:204:00000 12:284:00000 T 0.350 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 12:284:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.480 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 10:244:00000 10:253:00000 T 0.000 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 10:253:00000 11:089:00000 T 0.000 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 11:089:00000 12:175:00000 T 0.230 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 12:175:00000 12:245:00000 T 0.350 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 12:245:00000 12:263:00000 T 0.650 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 12:263:00000 12:312:00000 T 0.300 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 12:312:00000 12:352:00000 T 0.050 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 12:352:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.285 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 10:091:00000 T 0.200 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 10:091:00000 11:274:00000 T 0.065 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 11:274:00000 12:270:00000 T 0.450 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 12:270:00000 12:306:00000 T 0.200 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 12:306:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.450 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 16:176:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.760 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 08:282:00000 T -0.050 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 08:282:00000 10:022:00000 T 0.050 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 11:087:00000 12:193:00000 T 0.075 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 12:193:00000 12:291:00000 T 0.080 0.030 0.0180 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 12:291:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.075 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 09:152:00000 09:261:00000 T -0.300 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 09:261:00000 09:282:00000 T -0.530 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 09:282:00000 09:314:00000 T -0.260 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 09:314:00000 09:347:00000 T -0.485 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 09:347:00000 10:167:00000 T -0.300 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 10:167:00000 10:224:00000 T 0.000 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 10:224:00000 10:285:00000 T -0.200 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 10:285:00000 11:258:00000 T -0.450 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 11:258:00000 11:350:00000 T -0.550 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 11:350:00000 12:148:00000 T -0.165 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 12:148:00000 12:275:00000 T -0.280 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 12:275:00000 13:001:00000 T -0.140 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7358 -- ---- A 10:305:00000 11:121:00000 T -0.233 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 08:353:00000 T 0.120 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 08:353:00000 09:236:00000 T -0.050 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 09:236:00000 10:035:00000 T 0.035 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 10:035:00000 10:084:00000 T 0.200 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 10:084:00000 10:164:00000 T 0.050 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 10:164:00000 10:215:00000 T 0.150 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 10:215:00000 11:198:00000 T -0.050 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 11:198:00000 12:070:00000 T 0.075 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 12:070:00000 12:127:00000 T 0.185 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 12:127:00000 12:273:00000 T 0.000 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 12:273:00000 12:336:00000 T 0.180 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 12:336:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.000 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7406 -- ---- A 12:060:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.050 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7501 -- ---- A 08:254:00000 08:257:00000 T 0.350 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 08:183:00000 08:231:00000 T 0.120 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 08:231:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.210 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7811 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.200 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7821 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 13:001:00000 T -0.050 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7822 -- ---- A 11:128:00000 11:163:00000 T -0.110 0.035 -0.0132 us drift *7822 -- ---- A 11:163:00000 11:179:00000 T -0.050 0.035 -0.0367 us drift *7822 -- ---- A 11:179:00000 11:191:00000 T -0.075 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7822 -- ---- A 11:191:00000 11:289:00000 T 0.100 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7824 -- ---- B 08:183:00000 09:070:00000 T -0.850 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7824 -- ---- B 09:070:00000 09:153:00000 T -1.350 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7824 -- ---- B 09:153:00000 12:079:00000 T 0.950 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7824 -- ---- B 12:079:00000 12:324:28800 T 0.550 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7824 -- ---- B 12:324:28860 13:001:00000 T 0.850 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 09:332:00000 T 0.000 0.035 -0.0001 us drift *7825 -- ---- A 09:332:00000 09:337:00000 T -0.300 0.055 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 09:337:00000 09:346:00000 T 0.000 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 09:346:00000 09:357:00000 T -1.950 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 09:357:00000 10:010:00000 T -0.120 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:010:00000 10:013:00000 T 1.300 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:013:00000 10:029:00000 T -1.280 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:029:00000 10:033:00000 T -1.930 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:033:00000 10:075:00000 T -0.065 0.080 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:075:00000 10:085:00000 T -0.250 0.080 -0.0100 us drift *7825 -- ---- A 10:085:00000 10:087:00000 T -0.485 0.080 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:087:00000 10:112:00000 T -0.065 0.080 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:112:00000 10:119:00000 T -0.170 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:119:00000 10:202:00000 T -0.040 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:202:00000 10:208:00000 T 1.350 0.100 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 10:208:00000 10:305:00000 T -0.060 0.080 0.0005 us drift *7825 -- ---- A 10:305:00000 11:139:00000 T -0.045 0.080 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 11:139:00000 11:202:00000 T -0.045 2.000 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 11:202:00000 11:310:00000 T -0.515 0.500 -0.0050 us drift *7832 -- ---- A 08:226:00000 11:319:00000 T -0.080 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 10:009:00000 10:266:00000 T -0.150 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 10:266:00000 10:336:00000 T -0.450 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 10:336:00000 12:060:00000 T -1.250 1.000 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 12:061:00000 13:001:00000 T -0.085 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 10:112:00000 T 0.220 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 10:112:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.120 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7841 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 09:091:00000 T -0.050 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7841 -- ---- A 09:091:00000 10:060:00000 T 0.000 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7841 -- ---- A 10:060:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.000 0.099 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 09:075:00000 T -0.050 0.030 0.0010 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 09:075:00000 09:188:00000 T -0.250 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 09:188:00000 10:082:00000 T 0.370 0.030 0.0045 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:082:00000 10:180:00000 T -0.200 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 10:180:00000 10:193:00000 T -0.050 0.030 0.0120 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:193:00000 10:207:00000 T 0.050 0.030 0.0120 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:207:00000 10:220:00000 T 0.200 0.030 0.0130 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:220:00000 10:228:00000 T 0.300 0.030 0.0200 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:228:00000 10:235:00000 T 0.500 0.030 0.0220 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:235:00000 10:242:00000 T 0.650 0.030 0.0260 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:242:00000 10:249:00000 T 0.800 0.030 0.0260 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:249:00000 10:256:00000 T 0.900 0.030 0.0280 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:256:00000 10:263:00000 T 1.050 0.030 0.0280 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:263:00000 10:270:00000 T 1.200 0.030 0.0280 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:270:00000 10:277:00000 T 1.400 0.030 0.0280 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:277:00000 10:284:00000 T 1.600 0.030 0.0280 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:284:00000 10:291:00000 T 1.800 0.030 0.0280 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 10:356:00000 11:071:00000 T -0.100 0.030 0.0035 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:071:00000 11:080:00000 T 0.130 0.030 0.0155 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:080:00000 11:089:00000 T 0.250 0.030 0.0185 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:089:00000 11:098:00000 T 0.350 0.030 0.0185 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:098:00000 11:107:00000 T 0.460 0.030 0.0205 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:107:00000 11:116:00000 T 0.620 0.030 0.0205 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:116:00000 11:125:00000 T 0.750 0.030 0.0225 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:125:00000 11:134:00000 T 0.900 0.030 0.0225 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:134:00000 11:143:00000 T 1.100 0.030 0.0225 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:143:00000 11:153:00000 T 1.280 0.030 0.0225 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:153:00000 11:164:00000 T 1.500 0.030 0.0250 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:164:00000 11:172:00000 T 1.800 0.030 0.0290 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:201:00000 11:335:00000 T -0.050 0.050 0.0023 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 11:335:00000 13:001:00000 T -0.250 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7848 -- ---- A 08:192:00000 08:345:00000 T 0.250 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 08:232:00000 08:361:00000 T 0.000 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 08:361:00000 09:257:00000 T -0.100 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 09:257:00000 10:011:00000 T 0.150 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 10:011:00000 10:078:00000 T 0.000 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 10:078:00000 10:334:00000 T -0.050 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 10:334:00000 11:212:00000 T -0.150 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 11:212:82860 11:216:68400 T -0.150 0.060 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 11:217:21660 12:011:00000 T 0.050 0.055 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 12:025:21660 12:164:00000 T -0.150 0.055 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 12:164:00000 12:321:00000 T 0.050 0.000 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 12:321:21660 13:001:00000 T -0.150 0.055 0.0 us ----- *8834 -- ---- A 08:183:00000 10:001:00000 T 0.100 0.035 0.0 us ----- *8834 -- ---- A 10:197:00000 13:001:00000 T 0.050 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1824 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.050 0.300 0.0 us ----- *1868 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.025 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:172:00000 T -0.270 10.000 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 13:196:00000 15:001:00000 T -1.600 7.500 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 16:122:00000 16:174:00000 T -1.700 7.500 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 16:174:00000 16:177:00000 T 0.000 0.200 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 16:177:00000 16:190:72000 T -1.700 7.500 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 16:190:75600 17:001:00000 T -1.700 7.500 0.0 us ----- *1873 -- ---- A 16:177:00000 17:001:00000 T -1.500 7.500 0.0 us ----- *1874 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:071:00000 T 0.100 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1874 -- ---- A 16:071:00000 16:092:00000 T 0.065 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1874 -- ---- A 16:092:00000 16:183:00000 T 0.000 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1874 -- ---- A 16:183:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.050 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1879 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.240 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1884 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:153:00000 T -0.350 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1884 -- ---- A 16:153:00000 16:171:00000 T -0.400 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1884 -- ---- A 16:171:00000 16:264:00000 T -0.350 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1884 -- ---- A 16:264:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.260 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1886 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:189:00000 T 0.050 0.040 0.0 us ----- *1886 -- ---- A 16:189:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.000 0.040 0.0 us ----- *1888 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:032:00000 T 0.150 0.060 0.0 us ----- *1888 -- ---- A 16:032:00000 16:092:00000 T 0.050 0.060 0.0 us ----- *1888 -- ---- A 16:092:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.110 0.060 0.0 us ----- *1889 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:326:55500 T 0.100 0.100 0.0 us ----- *1889 -- ---- A 16:327:63540 17:001:00000 T 0.100 0.100 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:028:00000 T -1.200 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 16:028:00000 16:085:00000 T -1.450 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 16:085:00000 16:129:00000 T -1.550 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 16:129:00000 16:158:00000 T -1.450 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 16:158:00000 16:304:52380 T -0.050 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 16:304:52440 16:311:41580 T 0.100 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 16:311:41640 17:001:00000 T -0.050 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1891 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:229:00000 T 0.150 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1891 -- ---- A 16:229:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.050 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:213:00000 T 0.150 0.075 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 14:213:00000 15:001:00000 T 0.175 0.075 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 15:001:00000 15:194:00000 T 0.200 0.050 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 15:194:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.106 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7080 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.220 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:021:00000 T -1.050 0.030 0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:021:00000 13:042:00000 T -0.950 0.030 0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:042:00000 13:061:00000 T -0.850 0.030 0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:061:00000 13:066:00000 T -0.750 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 13:066:00000 13:099:00000 T -0.550 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 13:099:00000 13:112:00000 T -0.400 0.030 0.0090 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:112:00000 13:123:00000 T -0.300 0.030 0.0090 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:123:00000 13:163:00000 T -0.200 0.030 0.0018 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:163:00000 13:181:00000 T -0.125 0.030 0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:181:00000 13:188:00000 T -0.350 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 13:188:00000 13:244:00000 T -0.420 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 13:244:00000 13:277:00000 T -0.350 0.030 0.0032 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:277:00000 13:310:00000 T -0.250 0.030 0.0032 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:310:00000 13:320:00000 T -0.125 0.030 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:320:00000 13:335:00000 T -0.025 0.030 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:335:00000 13:345:00000 T 0.050 0.030 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:345:00000 13:355:00000 T 0.150 0.030 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 13:355:00000 14:001:00000 T 0.250 0.030 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:001:00000 14:009:00000 T 0.350 0.025 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:009:00000 14:016:00000 T 0.450 0.025 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:016:00000 14:023:00000 T 0.525 0.025 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:023:00000 14:030:00000 T 0.600 0.025 0.0094 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:030:00000 14:042:00000 T -0.300 0.025 0.0139 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:042:00000 14:050:00000 T -0.150 0.025 0.0139 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:050:00000 14:057:00000 T -0.050 0.025 0.0139 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:057:00000 14:064:00000 T 0.040 0.025 0.0139 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:064:00000 14:072:00000 T 0.160 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:072:00000 14:080:00000 T 0.280 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:080:00000 14:087:00000 T 0.400 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:087:00000 14:094:00000 T 0.520 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:094:00000 14:101:00000 T 0.640 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:101:00000 14:107:00000 T 0.760 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:107:00000 14:114:00000 T 0.880 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:114:00000 14:122:00000 T 1.020 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:122:00000 14:129:00000 T 1.150 0.025 0.0145 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:129:00000 14:136:00000 T 0.150 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:136:00000 14:140:00000 T 0.250 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:140:00000 14:145:00000 T 0.350 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:145:00000 14:149:00000 T 0.450 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:149:00000 14:154:00000 T 0.550 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:154:00000 14:158:00000 T 0.650 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:158:00000 14:163:00000 T 0.750 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:163:00000 14:166:00000 T 0.850 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:166:00000 14:171:00000 T 0.950 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:171:00000 14:177:00000 T 1.050 0.025 0.0233 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:177:00000 14:242:00000 T 0.010 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 14:242:00000 14:259:00000 T 0.050 0.025 0.0030 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:259:00000 14:274:00000 T 0.100 0.025 0.0040 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:274:00000 14:294:00000 T 0.180 0.025 0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:294:00000 14:300:00000 T 0.265 0.025 0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:300:00000 14:323:00000 T 0.210 0.025 -0.0060 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:323:00000 14:341:00000 T 0.090 0.025 -0.0050 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 14:341:00000 15:005:00000 T 0.010 0.025 -0.0040 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 15:005:00000 15:051:00000 T -0.050 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 15:051:00000 15:096:00000 T -0.180 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 15:096:00000 15:173:00000 T 0.030 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 15:173:00000 15:190:00000 T -0.080 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 15:190:00000 15:319:62940 T 0.030 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 15:319:63000 15:326:14400 T 0.250 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 15:326:14460 15:350:00000 T 0.050 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 15:350:00000 16:003:00000 T 0.250 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 16:003:00000 16:055:00000 T 0.030 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 16:055:00000 16:069:00000 T 0.420 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 16:069:00000 16:238:00000 T 0.530 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 16:238:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.400 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:091:00000 T -0.012 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 13:091:00000 13:152:00000 T 0.112 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 13:152:00000 14:027:00000 T 0.025 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 14:027:00000 14:079:00000 T 0.070 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 14:079:00000 14:082:00000 T 0.250 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 14:082:00000 14:223:00000 T 0.000 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 14:223:00000 14:343:00000 T 0.150 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 14:343:00000 15:105:00000 T -0.070 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 15:105:00000 15:137:00000 T 0.090 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 15:137:00000 15:182:00000 T 0.025 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 15:182:00000 15:194:00000 T 0.400 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 15:206:00000 15:211:00000 T 0.250 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 15:211:00000 15:216:00000 T 0.390 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 15:216:00000 16:122:00000 T 0.190 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 16:122:00000 16:214:00000 T 0.248 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 16:214:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.047 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:207:00000 T 0.517 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 13:207:00000 13:254:00000 T 0.660 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 13:254:00000 13:276:00000 T 0.600 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 13:276:00000 13:341:00000 T 0.397 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 13:341:00000 14:023:00000 T 0.527 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 14:023:00000 14:057:00000 T 0.450 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 14:057:00000 14:068:00000 T 0.350 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 14:068:00000 14:122:00000 T 0.420 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 14:122:00000 14:154:00000 T 0.490 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 14:154:00000 14:190:00000 T 0.400 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 14:190:00000 15:160:00000 T 0.545 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 15:160:00000 15:218:00000 T 0.425 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 15:218:00000 15:241:00000 T 0.340 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 15:241:00000 15:248:00000 T 0.525 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 15:248:00000 16:001:00000 T 0.440 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 16:049:00000 T 0.600 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 16:049:00000 16:092:00000 T 0.700 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 16:092:00000 16:198:00000 T 0.650 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 16:198:00000 16:270:00000 T 0.530 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 16:270:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.654 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:075:00000 T 0.330 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 13:075:00000 13:152:00000 T 0.430 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 13:152:00000 14:001:00000 T 0.390 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 14:001:00000 14:032:00000 T 0.400 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 14:032:00000 14:091:00000 T 0.250 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 14:091:00000 14:140:00000 T 0.350 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 14:140:00000 14:284:00000 T 0.145 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 14:284:00000 15:014:00000 T 0.335 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 15:014:00000 15:184:00000 T 0.450 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 15:184:00000 16:317:00000 T 0.120 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 16:317:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.360 0.075 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:106:00000 T 0.250 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 13:106:00000 13:180:00000 T 0.350 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 13:180:00000 13:313:00000 T 0.300 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 13:313:00000 14:001:00000 T 0.500 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 14:001:00000 14:091:00000 T 0.440 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 14:091:00000 14:148:00000 T 0.530 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 14:148:00000 14:283:00000 T 0.460 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 14:283:00000 15:121:00000 T 0.350 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 15:121:00000 15:264:00000 T 0.430 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 16:173:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.760 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:091:00000 T 0.100 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 13:091:00000 13:222:00000 T 0.180 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 13:222:00000 13:340:00000 T 0.050 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 13:340:00000 14:126:00000 T 0.075 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 14:126:00000 14:322:00000 T 0.035 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 14:322:00000 14:327:00000 T -0.650 0.030 0.0245 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 14:327:00000 14:331:00000 T -0.550 0.030 0.0245 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 14:331:00000 14:336:00000 T -0.450 0.030 0.0245 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 14:336:00000 14:340:00000 T -0.350 0.030 0.0245 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 14:340:00000 14:344:00000 T -0.250 0.030 0.0245 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 14:344:00000 14:349:00000 T -0.150 0.030 0.0245 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 14:349:00000 14:353:00000 T -0.030 0.030 0.0245 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:001:00000 15:068:00000 T 0.035 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 15:068:00000 15:069:00000 T -0.425 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 15:069:00000 15:281:00000 T 0.035 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 15:281:00000 15:285:00000 T -0.550 0.030 -0.0357 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:285:00000 15:288:00000 T -0.650 0.030 -0.0357 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:288:00000 15:290:00000 T -0.710 0.030 -0.0357 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:290:00000 15:293:00000 T -0.800 0.030 -0.0357 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:293:00000 15:296:00000 T -0.880 0.030 -0.0357 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:296:00000 15:350:00000 T -0.585 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 15:350:00000 15:353:00000 T -0.390 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:353:00000 15:357:00000 T -0.290 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:357:00000 15:360:00000 T -0.210 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 15:360:00000 15:364:00000 T -0.120 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:002:00000 16:005:00000 T 0.075 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:005:00000 16:008:00000 T 0.140 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:008:00000 16:011:00000 T 0.230 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:011:00000 16:013:18000 T 0.320 0.035 0.0270 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:014:00000 16:026:00000 T 0.050 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 16:027:01860 16:045:00000 T 0.050 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 16:045:01860 16:062:00000 T 0.150 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 16:062:01860 16:141:00000 T 0.075 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 16:141:01860 16:187:00000 T 0.000 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 16:187:00000 16:194:00000 T -0.545 0.035 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:194:00000 16:200:00000 T 0.000 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 16:200:00000 16:201:00000 T -0.600 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:201:00000 16:204:00000 T -0.550 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:204:00000 16:207:00000 T -0.460 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:207:00000 16:210:00000 T -0.350 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:210:00000 16:214:00000 T -0.250 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:214:00000 16:218:00000 T -0.150 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:218:00000 16:221:00000 T -0.025 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:221:00000 16:224:00000 T 0.075 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:224:00000 16:226:00000 T 0.170 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:226:00000 16:229:00000 T 0.270 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:229:00000 16:231:00000 T 0.375 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:231:00000 16:233:00000 T 0.450 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:233:00000 16:236:00000 T 0.550 0.030 0.0293 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:236:00000 16:239:00000 T 0.000 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 16:239:00000 16:243:00000 T -0.550 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:243:00000 16:246:00000 T -0.450 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:246:00000 16:249:00000 T -0.350 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:249:00000 16:251:00000 T -0.250 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:251:00000 16:254:00000 T -0.150 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:254:00000 16:257:00000 T -0.050 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:257:00000 16:260:00000 T 0.050 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:260:00000 16:262:00000 T 0.150 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:262:00000 16:265:00000 T 0.250 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:265:00000 16:268:00000 T 0.350 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:268:00000 16:271:00000 T 0.450 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:271:00000 16:274:00000 T 0.550 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:274:00000 16:276:00000 T 0.650 0.030 0.0361 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 16:276:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.100 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:182:00000 T -0.185 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7308 -- ---- A 13:182:00000 17:001:00000 T -0.045 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7394 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.260 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:099:00000 T 0.000 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 13:099:00000 13:227:00000 T 0.100 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 13:227:00000 13:323:00000 T 0.200 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 13:323:00000 14:167:00000 T 0.130 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 14:342:00000 15:108:00000 T 0.150 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 15:108:00000 15:362:00000 T 0.215 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 15:362:00000 16:034:00000 T 0.100 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 16:034:00000 16:246:00000 T 0.250 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 16:246:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.150 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7406 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.130 0.040 0.0 us ----- *7407 -- ---- A 16:001:00000 17:001:00000 T -0.060 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7501 -- ---- A 15:001:00000 15:142:00000 T -0.020 0.045 -0.0005 us drift *7501 -- ---- A 15:142:00000 15:251:00000 T 0.025 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7501 -- ---- A 15:251:00000 15:264:00000 T -0.440 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7501 -- ---- A 15:264:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.345 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 13:001:00000 13:090:00000 T 0.210 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 13:090:00000 13:230:00000 T 0.320 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 13:230:00000 14:001:00000 T 0.415 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 14:001:00000 15:001:00000 T 0.400 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 15:001:00000 15:187:00000 T 0.375 0.065 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 15:188:28860 15:264:00000 T 0.250 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 15:264:00000 16:001:00000 T 0.350 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- B 16:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.395 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7811 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.210 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7821 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.130 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7824 -- ---- B 13:001:00000 14:001:00000 T 0.860 0.105 0.0 us ----- *7824 -- ---- B 14:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.960 0.095 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:188:00000 T -0.070 0.500 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 13:188:00000 14:126:00000 T 0.065 0.500 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 14:126:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.000 1.500 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:136:00000 T -0.100 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 13:136:00000 13:198:00000 T -1.450 0.030 -0.0350 us drift *7838 -- ---- A 13:198:00000 13:219:00000 T -1.100 0.030 0.0650 us drift *7838 -- ---- A 14:090:00000 14:116:00000 T 0.000 0.045 -0.0350 us drift *7838 -- ---- A 14:116:00000 15:216:00000 T 0.275 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 15:216:00000 17:001:00000 T -0.090 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:021:00000 T 0.150 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 13:021:00000 13:075:00000 T 0.110 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 13:075:00000 14:001:00000 T 0.210 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 14:001:00000 14:035:00000 T 0.210 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 14:035:00000 14:051:00000 T 0.250 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 14:051:00000 14:165:00000 T 0.215 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 14:165:00000 14:201:00000 T 0.180 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 14:201:00000 14:264:00000 T 0.220 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 14:264:00000 14:345:00000 T 0.168 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 14:345:00000 15:011:00000 T 0.200 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 15:011:00000 16:139:00000 T 0.170 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 16:139:00000 17:001:00000 T -0.016 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7841 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.640 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:034:00000 T -0.210 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 13:034:00000 13:070:00000 T -0.260 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 13:070:00000 13:083:00000 T -0.170 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 13:083:00000 14:011:00000 T -0.080 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 14:011:00000 14:023:00000 T 0.400 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 14:023:00000 14:150:00000 T -0.063 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 14:150:00000 14:164:00000 T -1.376 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 14:164:00000 14:210:00000 T -0.100 0.025 -0.0010 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 14:210:00000 14:213:00000 T 0.330 0.025 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 14:213:00000 14:317:00000 T -0.205 0.025 -0.0010 us drift *7845 -- ---- A 14:326:00000 17:001:00000 T -0.220 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 13:001:00000 13:083:00000 T -0.165 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 13:083:00000 13:102:00000 T 0.000 0.045 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 13:102:00000 17:001:00000 T 0.250 0.045 0.0 us ----- *8834 -- ---- A 13:126:00000 13:157:00000 T -1.100 0.025 -0.0032 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 13:157:00000 13:188:00000 T -1.200 0.025 -0.0032 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 13:188:00000 13:220:00000 T -1.300 0.025 -0.0032 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 13:220:00000 13:252:00000 T -1.400 0.025 -0.0032 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 13:252:00000 13:283:00000 T -1.500 0.025 -0.0032 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 13:283:00000 13:307:00000 T -0.215 0.025 -0.0052 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 13:307:00000 13:325:00000 T -0.300 0.025 -0.0052 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 13:325:00000 14:007:00000 T -0.450 0.025 -0.0052 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:007:00000 14:024:00000 T -0.620 0.025 -0.0052 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:024:00000 14:042:00000 T -0.730 0.025 -0.0054 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:042:00000 14:060:00000 T -0.830 0.025 -0.0054 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:060:00000 14:078:00000 T -0.930 0.025 -0.0054 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:078:00000 14:096:00000 T -1.010 0.025 -0.0056 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:096:00000 14:112:00000 T -1.110 0.025 -0.0056 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:112:00000 14:130:00000 T -1.210 0.025 -0.0056 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:130:00000 14:148:00000 T -1.320 0.025 -0.0056 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:148:00000 14:167:00000 T -1.430 0.025 -0.0056 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:167:00000 14:185:00000 T -1.550 0.025 -0.0056 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:185:00000 14:203:00000 T -1.650 0.025 -0.0056 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:203:00000 14:218:00000 T -1.750 0.025 -0.0065 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:218:00000 14:233:00000 T -1.850 0.025 -0.0065 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 14:233:00000 14:249:00000 T -1.950 0.025 -0.0065 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:182:00000 15:194:00000 T -0.320 0.025 -0.0090 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:194:00000 15:205:00000 T -0.420 0.025 -0.0090 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:205:00000 15:208:00000 T 0.150 0.025 0.0 us ----- *8834 -- ---- A 15:208:00000 15:220:00000 T -0.350 0.025 -0.0089 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:220:00000 15:231:00000 T -0.450 0.025 -0.0089 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:231:00000 15:243:00000 T -0.550 0.025 -0.0089 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:243:00000 15:254:00000 T -0.650 0.025 -0.0089 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:254:00000 15:266:00000 T -0.750 0.025 -0.0089 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:266:00000 15:277:00000 T -0.850 0.025 -0.0089 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:277:00000 15:285:72000 T -0.950 0.025 -0.0089 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:285:72060 15:300:00000 T -0.300 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:300:00000 15:312:00000 T -0.400 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:312:00000 15:324:00000 T -0.500 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:324:00000 15:336:00000 T -0.600 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:336:00000 15:348:00000 T -0.700 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 15:348:00000 15:360:00000 T -0.800 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:007:00000 16:019:00000 T -1.000 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:019:00000 16:031:00000 T -1.150 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:031:00000 16:042:00000 T -1.250 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:042:00000 16:054:00000 T -1.350 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:054:00000 16:065:00000 T -1.450 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:065:00000 16:075:00000 T -1.550 0.025 -0.0084 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:075:00000 16:086:00000 T -0.350 0.025 -0.0067 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:086:00000 16:095:00000 T -0.450 0.025 -0.0067 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:095:00000 16:105:00000 T -0.550 0.025 -0.0067 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:105:00000 16:128:00000 T -0.075 0.025 -0.0043 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:128:00000 16:150:00000 T -0.150 0.025 -0.0043 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:150:00000 16:172:00000 T -0.250 0.025 -0.0043 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:172:00000 16:193:00000 T -0.350 0.025 -0.0043 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:193:00000 16:204:00000 T -0.150 0.025 -0.0050 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:204:00000 16:215:00000 T -0.210 0.025 -0.0050 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:215:00000 16:222:00000 T -0.075 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:222:00000 16:229:00000 T -0.150 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:229:00000 16:236:00000 T -0.250 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:236:00000 16:243:00000 T -0.320 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:243:00000 16:250:00000 T -0.400 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:250:00000 16:257:00000 T -0.480 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:257:00000 16:264:00000 T -0.580 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:264:00000 16:271:00000 T -0.660 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:271:00000 16:278:00000 T -0.750 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:278:00000 16:285:00000 T -0.850 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:285:00000 16:292:00000 T -0.950 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:292:00000 16:299:00000 T -1.050 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:299:00000 16:306:00000 T -1.150 0.025 -0.0120 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:306:00000 16:313:00000 T -1.270 0.025 -0.0140 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:313:00000 16:320:00000 T -1.385 0.025 -0.0140 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:320:00000 16:327:00000 T -1.500 0.025 -0.0140 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:327:00000 16:334:00000 T -1.400 0.025 -0.0179 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:334:00000 16:339:00000 T -1.500 0.025 -0.0179 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:339:00000 16:344:00000 T -1.600 0.025 -0.0179 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:344:00000 16:349:00000 T -1.700 0.025 -0.0179 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:349:00000 16:354:00000 T -1.800 0.025 -0.0179 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 16:354:00000 16:358:00000 T -1.900 0.025 -0.0179 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:025:00000 17:047:00000 T -0.210 0.012 -0.0240 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:047:00000 17:061:00000 T -0.032 0.010 -0.0250 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:063:00000 17:072:00000 T -0.022 0.007 -0.0250 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:092:00000 17:111:00000 T -0.070 0.018 -0.0290 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:114:00000 17:123:00000 T -0.200 0.030 -0.0250 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:125:00000 17:130:00000 T -0.065 0.019 -0.0285 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:130:00000 17:137:00000 T -0.022 0.016 0.0018 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:194:00000 17:211:00000 T 0.150 0.020 0.0014 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:226:00000 17:230:00000 T -0.120 0.006 0.0014 us drift *8834 -- ---- A 17:237:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.100 0.017 0.0 us ----- *8834 -- ---- A 17:287:00000 17:347:00000 T 0.018 0.019 -0.0012 us drift *1884 -- ---- A 17:116:00000 17:136:00000 T 0.010 0.036 0.0 us ----- *1874 -- ---- A 17:073:00000 17:073:00000 T 0.026 0.000 0.0 us ----- *1889 -- ---- A 17:300:00000 17:336:00000 T 0.026 0.070 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 17:071:00000 17:073:00000 T -0.060 0.025 0.0 us ----- *1890 -- ---- A 17:289:00000 17:363:00000 T -0.160 0.030 0.0 us ----- *1891 -- ---- A 17:072:00000 17:074:00000 T 0.067 0.020 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 17:042:00000 17:067:00000 T 0.140 0.017 0.0 us ----- *1893 -- ---- A 17:102:00000 17:136:00000 T 0.040 0.018 0.0 us ----- *7080 -- ---- A 17:052:00000 17:347:00000 T 0.200 0.078 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 17:001:00000 17:015:00000 T 0.400 0.017 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 17:025:00000 17:074:00000 T 0.400 0.019 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 17:091:00000 17:137:00000 T 0.350 0.020 -0.0010 us drift *7090 -- ---- A 17:194:00000 17:254:00000 T 0.400 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 17:255:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.750 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 17:287:00000 17:345:00000 T 0.670 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7090 -- ---- A 17:346:00000 17:365:00000 T 0.570 0.017 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 17:025:00000 17:072:00000 T 0.050 0.015 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 17:093:00000 17:108:00000 T -0.050 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 17:121:00000 17:137:00000 T 0.045 0.014 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 17:194:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.015 0.016 0.0 us ----- *7105 -- ---- A 17:289:00000 17:355:00000 T 0.070 0.018 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 17:006:00000 17:027:00000 T 0.550 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 17:031:00000 17:067:00000 T 0.700 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 17:091:00000 17:131:00000 T 0.600 0.013 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 17:193:00000 17:255:00000 T 0.700 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 17:289:00000 17:339:00000 T 0.500 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7110 -- ---- A 17:345:00000 17:363:00000 T 0.550 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 17:002:00000 17:012:00000 T 0.350 0.012 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 17:026:00000 17:065:00000 T 0.350 0.018 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 17:092:00000 17:137:00000 T 0.006 0.012 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 17:193:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.100 0.016 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 17:287:00000 17:289:00000 T 0.000 0.010 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 17:292:00000 17:314:00000 T 0.070 0.013 0.0 us ----- *7119 -- ---- A 17:320:00000 17:365:00000 T 0.280 0.014 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 17:026:00000 17:074:00000 T 0.750 0.014 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 17:101:00000 17:131:00000 T 0.670 0.014 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 17:194:00000 17:207:00000 T 0.750 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 17:244:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.800 0.010 0.0 us ----- *7124 -- ---- A 17:297:00000 17:362:00000 T 0.700 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 17:002:00000 17:015:00000 T 0.200 0.013 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 17:025:00000 17:055:00000 T 0.200 0.300 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 17:071:00000 17:074:00000 T 0.200 0.015 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 17:092:00000 17:132:00000 T 0.070 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 17:196:00000 17:221:00000 T 0.020 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7237 -- ---- A 17:229:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.090 0.016 -0.0010 us drift *7237 -- ---- A 17:287:00000 17:365:00000 T -0.050 0.030 -0.0004 us drift *7394 -- ---- A 17:073:00000 17:074:00000 T 0.290 0.000 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 17:094:00000 17:096:00000 T 0.085 0.007 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 17:097:00000 17:133:00000 T -0.080 0.012 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 17:193:00000 17:242:00000 T 0.170 0.034 0.0 us ----- *7403 -- ---- A 17:294:00000 17:348:00000 T 0.020 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7501 -- ---- A 17:011:00000 17:073:00000 T 0.600 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7501 -- ---- A 17:091:00000 17:137:00000 T 0.500 0.010 -0.0008 us drift *7501 -- ---- A 17:208:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.600 0.016 0.0 us ----- *7501 -- ---- A 17:287:00000 17:333:00000 T 0.500 0.040 -0.0140 us drift *7501 -- ---- A 17:346:00000 17:348:00000 T 0.100 0.002 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- A 17:057:00000 17:074:00000 T 0.400 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7810 -- ---- A 17:093:00000 17:137:00000 T 0.320 0.030 -0.0120 us drift *7810 -- ---- A 17:326:00000 17:365:00000 T 0.200 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7811 -- ---- A 17:003:00000 17:062:00000 T 0.200 0.012 0.0 us ----- *7811 -- ---- A 17:119:00000 17:137:00000 T 0.110 0.010 0.0 us ----- *7811 -- ---- A 17:241:00000 17:243:00000 T 0.230 0.007 0.0 us ----- *7811 -- ---- A 17:289:00000 17:303:00000 T 0.100 0.010 0.0 us ----- *7811 -- ---- A 17:364:00000 17:364:00000 T 0.120 0.000 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 17:004:00000 17:074:00000 T 0.000 2.000 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 17:091:00000 17:135:00000 T 0.000 2.000 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 17:250:00000 17:256:00000 T -0.100 0.200 0.0 us ----- *7825 -- ---- A 17:288:00000 17:350:00000 T 0.050 0.200 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 17:004:00000 17:067:00000 T -0.040 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 17:093:00000 17:137:00000 T -0.150 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 17:203:00000 17:244:00000 T -0.010 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7838 -- ---- A 17:303:00000 17:361:00000 T -0.130 0.035 0.0 us ----- *7839 -- ---- A 17:287:00000 17:293:00000 T -0.070 0.030 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 17:002:00000 17:014:00000 T -0.060 0.005 -0.0050 us drift *7840 -- ---- A 17:026:00000 17:063:00000 T -0.030 0.010 -0.0030 us drift *7840 -- ---- A 17:066:00000 17:074:00000 T -0.004 0.015 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 17:091:00000 17:134:00000 T -0.100 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 17:194:00000 17:256:00000 T 0.030 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7840 -- ---- A 17:287:00000 17:365:00000 T -0.100 0.050 0.0 us ----- *7841 -- ---- A 17:288:00000 17:363:00000 T 0.090 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 17:030:00000 17:074:00000 T -0.230 0.015 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 17:093:00000 17:136:00000 T 0.300 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 17:194:00000 17:255:00000 T -0.230 0.015 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 17:289:00000 17:290:00000 T -1.300 0.007 0.0 us ----- *7845 -- ---- A 17:293:00000 17:355:00000 T -0.330 0.020 0.0 us ----- *7941 -- ---- A 17:001:00000 17:365:00000 T 0.230 0.060 0.0 us ----- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *=============================================================================== * list of data corrections converted from CDDIS database free format *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS *7090 -- ---- A 96:200:00000 96:200:86400 T -0.0010 ms CCD *7090 -- ---- A 96:201:00000 96:201:86400 T -0.0012 ms CCD *7090 -- ---- A 96:202:00000 96:202:86400 T -0.0013 ms CCD *7090 -- ---- A 96:203:00000 96:203:86400 T -0.0015 ms CCD *7090 -- ---- A 96:204:00000 96:204:86400 T -0.0016 ms CCD *7090 -- ---- A 96:205:00000 96:205:86400 T -0.0018 ms CCD *7090 -- ---- A 96:215:79021 96:215:86400 T 0.0005 ms CCD *7403 -- ---- A 97:024:00000 97:024:86400 T 0.0011 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:025:00000 97:025:86400 T 0.0015 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:045:00000 97:045:86400 T 0.0016 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:046:00000 97:046:86400 T 0.0012 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:047:00000 97:047:86400 T 0.0008 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:048:00000 97:048:86400 T 0.0003 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:049:00000 97:049:86400 T -0.0001 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:050:00000 97:050:86400 T -0.0005 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:051:00000 97:051:86400 T -0.0010 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:052:00000 97:052:86400 T -0.0014 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:053:00000 97:053:86400 T -0.0018 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:056:00000 97:056:86400 T -0.0004 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:057:00000 97:057:86400 T -0.0009 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:058:00000 97:058:86400 T -0.0013 ms Tb *7403 -- ---- A 97:059:00000 97:059:86400 T -0.0018 ms Tb *=============================================================================== * list of data corrections converted from CDDIS data base (Van Husson`s tables) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CODE PT SOLN T START_DATE__ END_DATE____ M __E-VALUE___ STD_DEV _E-RATE__ UNIT CMNTS *7109 -- ---- A 96:338:00000 96:340:00000 T -.0011 ms SCD *7109 -- ---- A 96:340:00000 96:343:00000 T -.0012 ms SCD *7109 -- ---- A 96:343:00000 96:346:00000 T -.0013 ms SCD *7109 -- ---- A 96:346:00000 96:348:00000 T -.0014 ms SCD *7109 -- ---- A 96:348:00000 96:351:00000 T -.0015 ms SCD *7109 -- ---- A 96:351:00000 96:352:00000 T -.0016 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:347:00000 94:347:86400 T .0015 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:348:00000 94:348:86400 T .00160 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:349:00000 94:349:86400 T .00160 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:350:00000 94:350:86400 T .00170 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:351:00000 94:351:86400 T .00180 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:352:00000 94:352:86400 T .00190 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:356:00000 94:356:86400 T .00020 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:357:00000 94:357:86400 T .00030 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:358:00000 94:358:86400 T .00050 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:359:00000 94:359:86400 T .00060 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:360:00000 94:360:86400 T .00080 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:361:00000 94:361:86400 T .00090 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:362:00000 94:362:86400 T .00110 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:363:00000 94:363:86400 T .00120 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:364:00000 94:364:86400 T .00140 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 94:365:00000 94:365:86400 T .00150 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:001:00000 95:001:86400 T .00170 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:002:00000 95:002:86400 T .00180 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:010:00000 95:010:86400 T .00010 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:011:00000 95:011:86400 T .00020 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:012:00000 95:012:86400 T .00040 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:013:00000 95:013:86400 T .00050 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:014:00000 95:014:86400 T .00060 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:015:00000 95:015:86400 T .00080 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:016:00000 95:016:86400 T .00090 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:017:00000 95:017:86400 T .00100 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:018:00000 95:018:86400 T .00120 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:019:00000 95:019:86400 T .00130 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:020:00000 95:020:86400 T .00140 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:021:00000 95:021:86400 T .00160 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:022:00000 95:022:86400 T .00170 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:023:00000 95:023:86400 T .00180 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:024:00000 95:024:86400 T .00190 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:048:00000 95:048:86400 T -.00030 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:049:00000 95:049:86400 T -.00060 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:050:00000 95:050:86400 T -.00080 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:051:00000 95:051:86400 T -.00110 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:052:00000 95:052:48600 T -.00130 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:052:48600 95:052:86400 T -.00010 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:053:00000 95:053:86400 T .00020 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:054:00000 95:054:86400 T .00040 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:055:00000 95:055:86400 T .00070 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:056:00000 95:056:86400 T .00090 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:057:00000 95:057:86400 T .00120 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:058:00000 95:058:86400 T .00140 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:059:00000 95:059:86400 T .00170 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:060:00000 95:060:86400 T .00190 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:063:00000 95:063:86400 T .00190 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:064:00000 95:064:86400 T .00180 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:065:00000 95:065:86400 T .00170 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:066:00000 95:066:86400 T .00160 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:067:00000 95:067:86400 T .00170 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:068:00000 95:068:86400 T .00190 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:144:19620 95:144:86400 T -.000200 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:145:00000 95:145:86400 T -.000100 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:147:00000 95:147:86400 T .000100 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:148:00000 95:148:86400 T .000200 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:149:00000 95:149:86400 T .000300 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:150:00000 95:150:86400 T .000400 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:151:00000 95:151:86400 T .000500 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:152:00000 95:152:86400 T .000600 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:153:00000 95:153:86400 T .000700 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:154:00000 95:154:86400 T .000800 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:155:00000 95:155:86400 T .000900 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:156:00000 95:156:86400 T .001000 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:157:00000 95:157:86400 T .001100 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:158:00000 95:158:86400 T .001200 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:159:00000 95:159:86400 T .001300 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:160:00000 95:160:86400 T .001300 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:161:00000 95:161:86400 T .001300 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 95:162:00000 95:165:52380 T .001400 ms SCD *7210 -- ---- A 99:153:00000 99:154:00000 T -.0006 ms Tb *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For the listed cases below, see SLRmails #0396,#0398 for details *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *7210 -- ---- A 99:154:00000 99:155:00000 T -.0005 ms TDP *7210 -- ---- A 99:155:00000 99:159:00000 T .0007 ms TDP *7210 -- ---- A 99:159:00000 99:168:00000 T .0006 ms TDP *7210 -- ---- A 99:190:00000 99:195:00000 T .0011 ms TDP *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -MODEL/TIME_BIAS *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %ENDSNX