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13th International Laser Ranging Workshop
"Toward Millimeter Accuracy"

This page provides guidelines for oral and poster presentations and a list of equipment available at the workshop. A computer projector will be available for electronic presentations during the oral sessions. Available equipment and instructions for making electronic presentations are given below.

Guidelines for Oral Presentations

The laser ranging community comes together at these international workshops every two years to exchange ideas, to learn of innovations in technology and software, to review operational procedures, to encourage new groups, and to set standards where appropriate. Much of the interaction is carried out informally in coffee breaks or evenings, but the main forum is always the formal program of talks. This note offers a few gentle reminders to speakers.

  1. The meeting is conducted in English, but
    • remember that the majority of your audience does not have English as a first language
    • do not speak too fast
    • do not use complicated vocabulary - define specialist terms on first use
    • avoid acronyms and abbreviations wherever possible
    • never use slang.
  2. The purpose of your talk is to give a self-contained outline of your paper. Try not to include too much material: explain the basis of your observations or instrument or analysis, give the main points of interest and present your conclusions. All the detail can go into the written version of the paper to appear in the proceedings. Your talk is the advertisement which will make listeners want to know more.
  3. Make good use of visual aids:
    • display brief text summaries of the main points while you are speaking; this is essential for those who cannot understand you!
    • a picture is worth a thousand words - illustrate your talk with relevant diagrams
    • make sure that any text is big enough to be read from a distance
    • make sure that the relevant features of graphs and diagrams will be clear from the back of the room
    • do not try to use too many illustrations - people cannot absorb information that is only shown for 10 seconds
    • for best results limit the number of illustrations to about one per minute.
  4. Do not overrun the time allocated to your talk - it is not fair on other speakers, especially those who follow you. Check the timing by giving a preliminary talk to your colleagues at home or to the mirror in your hotel room! It is unsatisfactory for everyone if the session chair is forced to cut your talk in the middle.


Guidelines for Poster Presentations

Posters will be mounted on free-standing boards measuring 4 feet (1.2 meters) high by 8 feet (2.4 meters) wide. These boards will accomodate two posters per side. Therefore, the maximum space allocated to each poster is 4 feet by 4 feet (1.2 meters by 1.2 meters). Poster presentations can be a single large poster or individual papers as long as the total area required fits into this allocated space. Each poster author will be allocated five minutes during the Tuesday a.m. session to briefly summarize their poster.


Oral Session Equipment

Equipment for each oral session includes:

  • 1 overhead projector
  • 1 screen
  • 2 mobile microphone
  • 1 laser pointer
  • 1 computer and LCD for electronic presentations

Detailed information on the types of software and instructions for authors can be found below in the the guidelines for electronic presentations. Speakers using this mode of presentation must provide an electronic version of their presentation in advance of the workshop. The anonymous ftp directory /incoming/lw13 has been set up on host to receive these files. A follow-up email to Carey Noll ( should be issued to ensure the presentations have been received and processed. Personal laptop computers cannot be plugged into projectors in oral session room. Internet connectivity is not available in oral session room. It is highly recommended that you have a backup of your presentation in the form of slides or overheads.


Guidelines for Electronic Presentations

The computer attached to the projector is equipped with the following hardware: (to be provided shortly)

This computer is equipped with the following software: (to be provided shortly)

Acceptable media types: (to be provided shortly)


Information about Workshop Proceedings

Proceedings will be published after the workshop. Papers are due to Carey Noll by November 15, 2002. Please consult the instructions for preparing contributions to the proceedings. The anonymous ftp directory /incoming/lw13/proceedings has been set up on host to receive these files. Please notify Carey Noll following successful submission of reports to the proceedings.



Content Owner and Webmaster: Carey Noll
Responsible NASA Official: Ed Masuoka
Last Updated: September 27, 2002



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