SLR Related Publications for 2013

Angermann D., Seitz M., Drewes H.: Global terrestrial reference systems and their realizations. In: Xu G. (Ed.) Sciences of Geodesy II - Innovations and Future Developments, 97-132, Springer,, 2013.

Cheng M.K., Tapley B.D., Ries J.C., (2013). Deceleration in the Earth's oblateness, J. Geophys. Res. (Solid Earth), 118, 740-747, doi:

Drewes H., Angermann D., Seitz M.: Alternative definitions of the terrestrial reference system and its realization in reference frames. In: Altamimi Z., Collilieux X. (Eds.) Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, IAG Symposia 138: 39-44, Springer,, 2013.

Kucharski D., Otsubo T., Kirchner G., Lim H. C. (2013). Spectral response of Experimental Geodetic Satellite determined from High Repetition Rate SLR data. Advances in Space Research, 51(1), 162-167.

Kucharski D., Otsubo T., Kirchner G., Lim H.-C. (2013). Spectral filter for signal identification in the kHz SLR measurements of the fast spinning satellite Ajisai. Advances in Space Research, 52(5), 930-935.

Kucharski D., Lim H.-C., Kirchner G., Hwang J.-Y. (2013). Spin parameters of LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 spectrally determined from Satellite Laser Ranging data. Advances in Space Research, 52(7), 1332-1338.

Matsuo, K., B. F. Chao, T. Otsubo, K. Heki, Accelerated ice mass depletion revealed by low-degree gravity field from satellite laser ranging: Greenland, 1991-2011, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1002/grl.50900, 2013.

Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Fang, X., Biskupek, L. (2013): Lunar Laser Ranging: recent results based on refined modelling., In: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet (eds. C. Rizos, P. Willis). IAG Symposia Series, Vol. 139, Springer 2013.

Murphy T.W., Lunar laser ranging: the millimeter challenge, (2013). Reports on Progress in Physics, 76(7), 076901, doi:

Noll, C., M. Torrence, N. Pollack, L. Tyahla. ILRS Website Update, presented at 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Fujiyoshida, Japan, 11-15 Nov, 2013.

Noll, C., M. Pearlman, M. Torrence. ILRS Station Reporting, presented at 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Fujiyoshida, Japan, 11-15 Nov, 2013.

Paolozzi, A, I. Ciufolini, LARES successfully launched in orbit: Satellite and mission description, Acta Astronautica, Volume 91, Pages: 313-321, Oct-Nov, 2013, DOI:

Peron, R. (2013). Einstein is still right: New tests of gravitational dynamics in the field of the Earth. Nuovo Cimento C, 36, 1s, 125-134, DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2013-11493-6.

Peron, R. On the use of combinations of laser-ranged satellites orbital residuals to test relativistic effects around Earth, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 432, Issue 3, Pages: 2591-2595, July, 2013, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stt621.

Preston A., Merkowitz S., (2013). Next-generation hollow retroreflectors for lunar laser ranging, Applied Optics, 52(36), 8676–8684, doi:

Renzetti, G., First results from LARES: An analysis, New Astronomy, Volume 23-34, Pages: 63-66, Oct., 2013DOI:

Seitz M., Angermann D., Drewes H.: Accuracy assessment of the ITRS 2008 realization of DGFI: DTRF2008. In: Altamimi Z., Collilieux X. (Eds.) Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, IAG Symposia 138: 87-93, Springer,, 2013.

Sośnica, K., D. Thaller, R. Dach, A. Jäggi, G. Beutler; 2012: Impact of loading displacements on SLR-derived parameters and on the consistency between GNSS and SLR results, Journal of Geodesy, vol. 87(8), pp. 751-769, ISSN 0949-7714, 2013, DOI:

Sun, X.L., D.R. Skillman, E.D. Hoffman, D.D. Mao, J.F. McGarry, L. McIntire, R.S. Zellar, F.M. Davidson, W.H. Fong, M.A. Krainak, G.A. Neumann, M.T. Zuber, D.E. Smith. Free space laser communication experiments from Earth to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in lunar orbit, Optics Express, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages: 1865-1871, Jan. 2013.

Turyshev S.G., Williams J.G., Folkner W.M., et al., (2013). Corner-cube retro-reflector instrument for advanced lunar laser ranging, Experimental Astronomy, 36(1-2), 105-135, doi:

Zhao G. , Zhou X.H. Wu B. (2013). "Precise orbit determination of Haiyang-2 using satellite laser ranging", Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(6), 589-597, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5564-6