
ILRS Data Formats and Procedures Standing Committee(DFPSC) Members

ILRS email exploder: ilrs-dfpwg @ lists.nasa.gov
Member listing: ilrsdfpwg_userlist.txt

Chairman: Christian Schwatke
Co-Chairman: Randy Ricklefs

Dr. Graham Appleby/NERC Space Geodesy Facility
Christopher (Bart) Clarke/KBR Wyle Services LLC
Dr. Florent Deleflie/IMCCE/GRGS
Julie E. Horvath/KBR Wyle Services LLC
Magdalena Kuzmicz-Ceslak/JCET/UMBC
Jan F. McGarry/NASA GSFC
Dr. Chris Moore/Electro Optic Systems Pty Ltd
Ron Noomen/Delft University of Technology
Dr. Erricos C. Pavlis/JCET/UMBC
Dr. Michael R. Pearlman/CfA
Randall L. Ricklefs/University of Texas at Austin/CSR
Stefan Riepl/BKG/Geodaetisches Observatorium Wettzell
Christian Schwatke/DGFI-TUM
Dr. Peter J. Shelus/University of Texas at Austin/CSR
Jens Steinborn/DiGOS Potsdam GmbH
Mark H. Torrence/SGT Inc.
Xiaoya Wang/Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Scott L. Wetzel/KBR Wyle Services LLC

Updated: 3-Jul-2024 00:00:10