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Prediction Centers
Below is a table of prediction providers for SLR and LLR. The table is sortable. Click on a column heading to sort on that column.
Abbreviations in CPF Files/Historic Files | Agency | Contact Information |
AAS | Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS), Austria, Graz | Sandro Krauss sandro.krauss@oeaw.ac.at |
CNE/CNES | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France | Alexandre Couhert alexandre.couhert@cnes.fr Jean-Marc Walter Jean-Marc.Walter@cnes.fr |
COD | Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE), Astronomical Institute University of Bern (AIUB) | Rolf Dach code@aiub.unibe.ch |
DGF | Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsinstitut der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen (DGFI-TUM) | Mathis Bloßfeld mathis.blossfeld@tum.de |
DLR | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Clément Jonglez clement.jonglez@tu-berlin.de Benjamin Schlepp benjamin.schlepp@dlr.de |
ESA | Copernicus POD Service (CPOD), GMV, Tres Cantos, Madrid | Jaime Fernández jfernandez@gmv.com Pierre Féménias Pierre.Femenias@esa.int |
ESA/ESOC | European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)/Galileo | ESA GRSP team GRSP@esa.int Erik Schoenemann Erik.Schoenemann@esa.int |
ESA/ESOC | European Space Operations Centre, Earth Observation Missions Support Section (ESOC)/Swarm, Cryosat | Swarm flight dynamics orbit team SwarmFlightDynamicsTeam@esa.int Detlef Sieg Detlef.Sieg@esa.int Cryosat-2 flight dynamics orbit team CryoSat-2FlightDynamicsTeam@esa.int Javier Sanchez Javier.Sanchez@esa.int |
EUM | EUMETSAT | Jose Maria De Juana Gamo Jose.DeJuana@eumetsat.intM |
GAL | Galileo Control Centre (GAL), DLR, Germany | ESA GRSP team GRSP@esa.int |
GFZ | GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences | Krzysztof Snopek prd@gfz-potsdam.de |
HDS | HISDESAT, Spain | Carlos Gonzalez cgonzalez@hisdesat.es |
HTS | NASA GSFC SLR Mission Contractor, Greenbelt MD, USA | Jason Laing jlaing@peraton.com |
IAM | Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (IAM)/RAS | Mikhail Zakhvatkin zakhvatkin@kiam1.rssi.ru |
ISR | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | Subramanya Ganesh ganesht@istrac.gov.in |
IST | International Space Time Analysis Research Centre (IST) | Giampiero Sindoni giampiero.sindoni@uniroma1.it |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan | Shinichi Nakamura nakamura.shinichi@jaxa.jp |
KAI | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Sang-Hyun Lee magpuri0@kaist.ac.kr |
KGS | Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) | Ok-Chul Jung ocjung@kari.re.kr |
MCC | Mission Control Center, Russia | Vladimir Glotov cnss@mcc.rsa.ru |
NER/NERC | NERC Space Geodesy Facility (NSGF), formerly RGO, United Kingdom | Robert Sherwood rshe@nerc.ac.uk |
SGF/NSGF | NERC Space Geodesy Facility (NSGF), formerly RGO, United Kingdom | Robert Sherwood rshe@nerc.ac.uk |
OPA | Paris Observatory | Sebastien Bouquillon Sebastien.Bouquillon@obspm.fr |
QSS | Quazi-Zenith Satellite System Services/NEC Corporation | Junko Matsuyama matsuyama.junko@nec.com |
SHA | Shanghai, China | Zhang Zongping zzp@shao.ac.cn |
SPN | Precision Navigation and Ballistic Support (<<PNBS>>) of JC "RPC "PSI | Eugene Titov titov@spnav.ru |
TUB | Technical University of Berlin (TUB) | Clément Jonglez clement.jonglez@tu-berlin.de |
Below are prediction providers for past missions or former prediction providers. The table is sortable. Click on a column heading to sort on that column.
Abbreviations in CPF Files/Historic Files | Agency | Contact Information |
BAC/BACC | Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC), Beijing, China | Tang Geshi tanggeshi@bacc.org.cn Li Xie Lixie_afdl@163.com |
CSU | Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences | Wang Wenbin wangwenbin@csu.ac.cn |
GIT | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA | Sean Chait Cschait3@gatech.edu |
GSF/G926 | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Code 698 | David Rowlands David.D.Rowlands@nasa.gov |
HTS/HTSI | Former NASA GSFC SLR Misson Contractor (Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc., HTSI) GSFC, USA | Julie Horvath julie.horvath@honeywell.com |
KAS | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) | Young-Rok Kim yrockkim@kasi.re.kr |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), USA | Jake Griffiths jake.griffiths@nrl.navy.mil |
NXT | NXTRAC, USA | Darren Garber darren.garber@nxtrac.com |
QSS | Cabinet Office, Government of Japan/QSS | Shiraishi Masakazu m-shiraishi@yk.jp.nec.com |
STP | Air Force Research Laboratory/Kirtland AFB, USA | Lawrence Schmitt Lawrence.Schmitt@wpafb.af.mil |
UTX/CSR | Center for Space Research University of Texas, USA |
Randy Ricklefs ricklefs@csr.utexas.edu |