Normal Point Bin Size Recommendations

The table below lists satellite orbital characteristics and the nominal CRD normal point bin size.

Missions can use the values in this table as guidelines for specifying a normal point bin size value in their Mission Support Request form. Missions can request a different bin size if added resolution in the normal point is required or if the recommended temporal resolution is not needed. The ILRS will review the specified bin size and may recommend an alternate value depending on the satellite orbit and other factors.

Nominal Satellite
Altitude (km)
Bin Size
NPT Indicator
(from old format)
Example Satellites Comments
N/A N/A 0 N/A Not a normal point
< 500 5 1 GRACE  
550 – 800 15 3 Sentinel-3  
800 – 2,000 30 5 Starlette, Stella, LARES  
2,000 – 5,000 60 6    
5,000 – 8,000 120 7 LAGEOS  
8,000 – 15,000 180 300    
> 15,000 300 9 Etalon, GNSS  
Lunar Variable 2 Apollo, Luna