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Jump to: Mission Objectives, Mission Instrumentation, Mission Parameters, Additional Information

Mission Photos:

Courtesy of Stellenbosch University

Mission Objectives:

The Stellenbosch UNiversity SATellite (SUNSAT) is a micro-satellite designed and built by electrical engineering students at the Stellenbosch University in South Africa. This is the first micro-satellite developed in South Africa. Micro-satellites are satellites that weigh between 10-100 kilograms. The primary mission objectives are imaging, world wide store-and-forward email communications, and satellite engineering research. Secondary mission objectives are studies of the earth magnetic field, gravity field, atmosphere, and ionosphere plus intercomparison of GPS and SLR precision orbits.

Mission Instrumentation:

SUNSAT had the following instrumentation onboard:

  • Radio amateur communications
  • High resolution imager
  • Precision attitude control
  • Magnetometer
  • GPS receiver
  • Retroreflector array
  • Education experiments
Mission Parameters:
Sponsor: Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
Expected Life: 4-5 years
Primary Applications: imaging and email communications
Primary Applications: Precision orbit determination
COSPAR ID: 9900803
SIC Code: 2301
Satellite Catalog (NORAD) Number: 25636
Launch Date: February 23, 1999
RRA Diameter: 26.4 cm
RRA Shape: annulus
Reflectors: 8 corner cubes
Orbit: sun-synchronous
Inclination: 96.5 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.015
Perigee: 650 km
Period: 100 minutes
Weight: 60 kg

Additional Information: