ILRS Governing Board

The Governing Board is responsible for the general directions in which the ILRS is providing its services. It defines the official ILRS products, decides upon the satellites to be included in the ILRS tracking list, accepts standards and procedures prepared and proposed by the individual bodies of the ILRS and ensures, through its chairperson, the contact to other services and organizations.

The GB exercises general control over the activities of the Service including modifications to the organization that would be appropriate to maintain efficiency and reliability, while taking full advantage of the advances in technology and theory.

Most GB decisions are to be made by consensus or by a simple majority vote of the members present, provided that there is a quorum consisting of at least ten members of the GB. In case of lack of a quorum the voting is by mail or email. Changes in the Terms of Reference and the Chairperson of the GB can be made by a 2/3 majority of the members of the GB, i.e., by twelve or more votes.

2023-2024 Governing Board Members

Ex-Officio Members:
Michael Pearlman, (Director, Central Bureau)
Claudia Carabajal, (Secretary, Central Bureau)
Krzysztof Sośnica, (Representative of IAG Commission 1)
Daniela Thaller (IERS representative to ILRS)

Elected Members:
Sven Bauer (Eurolas Network Rep.)
José Rodríguez (Eurolas Network Rep.)
James Bennett (WPLTN Network Rep.)
Zhang Zhongping (WPLTN Network Rep.)
Evan Hoffman (NASA Network Rep.)
Stephen Merkowitz (NASA Network Rep., Chair)
Vincenza Luceri (Analysis Center Rep.)
Mathis Bloßfeld (Analysis Center Rep.)
Justine Woo (Data Center Rep.)
Clément Courde (LLR Rep.)
Christian Schwatke (At Large Rep.)
Matt Wilkinson (At Large Rep.)

Appointed Members by the Governing Board
Takehiro Matsumoto
Randall Carman

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