ILRS Committees and Study Groups

The ILRS now uses the IAG standard term "Committee" to replace the former title "Working Group" for those entities that focus on particular areas within the Services.

The Governing Board, at its discretion, can create or disband Committees. A Committee may be either permanent (Standing Committee) or temporary (Ad-Hoc Committee) in nature. Standing Committees are created by the GB to carry out business of the ILRS for indefinite periods (more that 4 years). Occasionally, Ad-Hoc Committees are appointed to carry out special investigations or tasks of a temporary or interdisciplinary nature. The Governing Board may also create Study Groups to address focused issues.

The valid activities for Standing or Ad-Hoc Committees are defined by their Charters. Modifications to the charters of existing Committees must be submitted by the corresponding Chair for approval by the Governing Board. In order to create a new Committee, the sponsor must submit a proposed charter, which clearly states the goals and responsibilities of the new group, for approval by the GB.

The Chair of each Standing Committee is selected by the GB from amongst its members for a period of two years to ensure close coupling of the Committee with the GB and its goals. The Committee Chairs may serve additional terms at the discretion of the GB. The Committee Chairs can independently appoint additional members from among the other GB members, ILRS Associate Members or ILRS Correspondents. The Committee Chairs may also designate a Deputy or Co-Chair to act on his/her behalf in his/her absence. All GB members, with the exception of the ex-officio members and the Chairperson, are required to serve on at least one of the Standing Committees.

Currently, the Standing Committees are: