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ILRS Analysis Standing Committee (ASC)

The major ASC activites are summarized below. Meeting materials (presentations, etc.) are PDF files unless otherwise noted.



  • October 2023 - The 49th ASC meeting was held virtually
  • April 2023 - The 48th ASC meeting was a hybrid meeting - online and in person at the EGU 2023 meeting, in Vienna



  • May 2020 - The 45th ASC meeting will be held as a virtual meeting, May 11, 2020











  • October 2010 - The 25th ASC meeting was held October 01 in Paris France.
  • May 2010 - The 24th ASC meeting was held May 08 during the spring EGU meeting in Vienna Austria.


  • September 2009 - The 23rd ASC meeting was held September 19 during the Fall 2009 ILRS Workshop in Metsovo, Greece.
  • April 2009 - The 22nd ASC meeting was held April 24, from 09:00-18:00, during the spring EGU meeting in Vienna Austria.



  • September 2007 - The 19th ASC meeting was held September 24, during the Fall ILRS Workshop in Grasse, France.
  • July 2007 - The 18th ASC meeting was held July 10, from 09:00-17:00, during the IUGG meeting in Perugia Italy.
  • April 2007 - The 17th ASC meeting was held April 14, from 09:00-17:00, during the Spring EGU meeting in Vienna, Austria.



  • October 2005 - The 14th ASC meeting was held October 2, from 10:00-17:00, during the Fall ILRS Workshop in Eastbourne, UK.
  • April 2005 - The 13th ASC meeting was held April 25, from 15:30 to 19:00, during the Spring EGU meeting in Vienna, Austria.


  • December 2004 - The 12th ASC meeting was held December 13, from 09:00 to 12:00, during the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • June 2004 - The 11th ASC meeting was held June 5, from 14:00 to 17:00, prior to the 14th International Workshop on Laser Ranging in San Fernando, Spain.
  • April 2004 - The 10th ASC meeting was held April 22-23, prior to the EGU meeting in Nice, France.


  • October 2003 - The 9th ASC meeting was held October 25-26, prior to the ILRS Technical Workshop in Koetzting Germany. Progress on the ILRS response to the Call for Participation (CfP) for generation of ILRS products (EOP and station positions) was discussed.
  • April 2003 - The 8th ASC meeting was held April 03-04, prior to the joint EGS/AGU meeting in Nice, France. The Call for Participation (CfP) for generation of ILRS products (EOP and station positions) was discussed. Results of the QC Harmonization and Software Benchmarking were also presented and discussed.


  • October 2002 - The 7th ASC meeting was held prior to the Thirteenth International Workshop on Laser Ranging at HTSI in Lanham, MD, October 3-4, 2002. A Call for Participation (CfP) for generation of ILRS products (daily X/Y pole, LOD for input to IERS Bulletin A) and daily X/Y pole, LOD, and coordinates (28-day arcs) was discussed and will be issued in the near future.
  • April 2002 - The 6th ASC meeting was held in Nice, France. POS+EOP solutions and combinations were presented and discussed. It was agreed to combine software benchmarking and orbits into a single project named "Software Benchmark and Orbits". Development of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the combination of POS+EOP solutions were discussed. There was a request to extend the ETALON campaign until October, 2002.


  • September 2001 - The 5th ASC workshop was held in Toulouse, France. POS+EOP solutions and combinations were presented and discussed. There was a request to extend the ETALON campaign until April, 2002.
  • April 2001 - This was the beginning of the ETALON campaigns.
  • March 2001 - The 4th ASC workshop was held in Nice, France. POS+EOP solutions and combinations were presented and discussed. The pilot project data set has been expanded to include Etalon-1 and -2, and the EOP's parameters have been extended to include the EOPs time derivatives (phase V). Also, for POS+EOP, the initial site positions were changed from ITRF 1997 to ITRF 2000.


  • November 2000 - The 3rd ASC workshop was held in Matera, Italy. POS+EOP solutions and combinations were presented and discussed. It was agreed to expand the pilot project by using one year of data and to generate a time series (i.e. every 4 weeks) of coordinates (phase IV).
  • May 2000 - The 2nd ASC workshop was held in Deflt, Netherlands. POS+EOP solutions and combinations and harmonization of QC results were presented and discussed. It was agreed to modify the POS+EOP pilot project by the addition of LAGEOS-2 data to the dataset (phase III).
  • April 2000 - At the EGS XXV General Assembly in Nice, France, two presentations were given. The first presentation was on SLR orbits, which will be published in Survey in Geophysics, and the second presentation was on combination of SLR coordinates.
  • January 2000 - The 1st ASC workshop was held in Franfurt, Germany. Results of the pilot projects were presented and discussed. It was agreed to combine the POS and EOP pilot projects into a single project (phase II) and to establish two new pilot projects (Software Benchmarking and Orbits).


  • December 1999 - At the 1999 Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco, a presentation was given on the combination of earth orientation parameters from SLR and LLR, which will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Geodesy.
  • September 1999 - The ASC meeting was held September 1999 in Florence, Italy. ASC membership was finalized. Three pilot projects were initiated. These 3 projects were:
    • Harmonization of LAGEOS Quality Control (QC) results
    • Computation of station POSitions (POS)
    • Computation of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP)

    The ASC adopted the SINEX format for exchange of station positions and earth orientation parameters (see the required ILRS elements of the SINEX format). It was agreed not to prescribe full analysis standards, but rather recommend a standard (IERS 1996 Conventions, postscript and .pdf).

    ILRS E-mail exploders were established for the Analysis Working Group (ilrs-awg @, the Analysis Centers (ilrs-ac @ and the Associate Analysis Centers (ilrs-aac @